HELP : we need to get a new car for Carol!

$1,750 of $3,500 goal
Given by 24 generous donors in 21 days

Help us help Carol replace her stolen & destroyed car please.

Huntly, Waikato

One of our tireless volunteers at St John Huntly Op Shop has had her car stolen from out back of the store. The car was stolen on Monday (August 14) from the the staff car park, and then burnt out and abandoned in rural Huntly.

Carol is devastated and we, her colleagues, are devastated for her! The insurance, due to depreciation, will not cover the cost of a replacement vehicle so we, the team at St John Huntly Op Shop, are setting up this givealittle page to help her continue to help us and our community!

Please, if you can spare a few dollars, your gesture will be greatly appreciated!!!

Insurance is paying out $900 after automatically decreasing by inflation over time. Carol thought she was insured for $3500.

Sharyn Affleck's involvement (page creator)

I work alongside Carol as part of the team of volunteers at St John Huntly Op Shop.

Use of funds

Any money raised will go directly toward a new car for Carol.

Latest update

Update image

Thank you!!!  26 September 2023

Much gratitude for you all!!!

Carol has expressed heartfelt thanks for all your support through thoughts & donations for her! She has purchased a β€˜new to her vehicle’ using the $1662.50 (after fees) we raised and will be paying the balance off in regular instalments.

Thanks again, bless you all!!!

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Latest donations

Sue Forlong
Sue Forlong on 23 Aug 2023
Thank you for your hard work and love for our community
Chrissy on 23 Aug 2023
Sharyn Affleck

Thanks Chrissy!!! Much appreciated!!! πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›

Sharyn Affleck
Heather on 23 Aug 2023
Sharyn Affleck

Thank you for your donation Heather!!! πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›

Sharyn Affleck
Jas on 18 Aug 2023
All the best. You doing a great work Sharyn. God Bless
Sharyn Affleck

Thank you for your help Jas!!! πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›

Sharyn Affleck
Galvin on 18 Aug 2023
Sharyn Affleck

Thanks so much Galvin!!! Much appreciated!!! πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›

Sharyn Affleck

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Sharyn Affleck on behalf of Carol Phillips
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This campaign started on 16 Aug 2023 and ended on 6 Sep 2023.