Help us Help Ukraine!

$31,592 donated
Given by 257 generous donors in one year

We are former military professionals who are currently helping Ukraine along the Russian Border.


Hi all!

We are former military professionals helping Ukraine during this period of war.

We are helping in high risk extraction, delivery of food parcels to high risk (contested or recently liberated land) and anything else we can do to help. Our mindset is to be open to any work, be it cleaning up areas, sorting food stuffs to helping people evacuate from the country. We believe to effectively help the people you must listen to their needs, not your wants.

We have been working with Anti Human Trafficking Groups, International Aid Groups to assist in supply delivery and with the Volunteer Network in Kharkiv to help Extract and help Deliver critical supplies to people that could not be reached without us.

Your donations are being used to provide assistance to various organisations that we see can actually use it and have demonstrated a need for it. It is also used to supplement our meager living expenses.

Thank you for your help, we are eternally grateful for your support

Use of funds

Basic Life Support for while we are away in the Ukraine.

Latest update

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We have been busy indeed.  28 July 2022

I apologise for the lack of updates, if you want to see what I've been up to catch me on instagram on @kaneactual

But in a nutshell, it's been three months and nothing has been wasted. From helping women and young children who had been, or been at risk, of being trafficked out of Lviv, to helping out volunteer companies in Kharkiv deliver medical and food goods to contested land. We thought that may have been the extent of our reach. As it turns out, we managed to cram more into the next two months.

From helping train Ukrainian Soldiers on the front in Tactical medicine and small unit tactics, to teaching civillians how to safety evacuate their townships as well as how to disarm weapon systems to make their neighbourhoods safer.

We have spent most of our time around the Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia Regions, two very dangerous places. We have done our best to help in any capacity we can, including manual labour tasks, as we believe that helping fulfill a need is better than satisfying our wants.

So much has happened, I almost ate a artillery round the other day when the Russians fired one outside of my accomodation. My resolve is good and my keeness is still very much there. We still have time and we still have fire in us. Thank you all for your support, that makes this all possible.

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Jessica on 14 Mar 2023
Kia Kaha - we joined the military to help, only other soldiers understand the depth of how much we wanted to help. Bougainville, Timor, Solomon’s, and Afghanistan gave us a taste of that and you have done what is in the hearts of many of us. One day when my children grow up I hope I can contribute to humanity as you are. Well done. Wish there was more of you!
Bob on 14 Mar 2023
Kia Kaha.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 14 Mar 2023
One of my clients expressed some sympathy for the "it's NATO's fault" narrative, so I wanted to send you some of that guy's money. Keep up the good work.
Penny on 31 Aug 2022
Thank you - I acknowledged your bravery and that of the Ukrainian people. Tough senseless times Terrible loss of life, infrastructure and dreams.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 25 Aug 2022
Kia kaha tane toa . Stay safe and keep up the amazing mahi. Proud of you 🤙🏻💛

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Kane Te Tai's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Kane Te Tai
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This campaign started on 16 Mar 2022 and ended on 16 Mar 2023.