Help us pay our dads funeral

$225 of $2,500 goal
Given by 5 generous donors in around 4 months

Paying for Dads funeral

Masterton, Wellington

Murray died on Wednesday 24th 2024 of multiple health needs, as he did not have a will we have been left with a huge debt.

A day after he died, our grandson was born. Benjamin, Murray's son has been trying to focus on baby as well as try clear this huge debt.

Catherine O'Driscoll's involvement (page creator)

I am Benjamin's mother. Benjamin is Murray's next of kin and son.

Use of funds

Paying of funeral cost, Putting Murray's Ashes in with his parents. Paying for a plaque if money left over.

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Latest update

Thank you everyone  30 August 2024

We did not meet our goal. My son has not managed to be able to access his dads account so is now lumbered with the debt, plus a infant to support.

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Latest donations

Medusa on 30 May 2024
Catherine O'Driscoll

Thank you so much

Catherine O'Driscoll
Sarah on 29 May 2024
Catherine O'Driscoll

Thank you so much

Catherine O'Driscoll
Sarah on 05 May 2024
Catherine O'Driscoll

Thank you so much

Catherine O'Driscoll
Karen on 05 May 2024
Catherine O'Driscoll

Thank you so much

Catherine O'Driscoll
Helen on 04 May 2024
Catherine O'Driscoll

Thank you so much

Catherine O'Driscoll

Who's involved?

Catherine O'Driscoll's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Catherine O'Driscoll on behalf of Benjamin Neal
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This campaign started on 4 May 2024 and ended on 29 Aug 2024.