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  • Court Proceedings

      2 May 2024

    Hello everyone.

    The court proceedings have started on Monday and will run until this afternoon.

    Check out ODT and STUFF for news coverage.

    Happy reading. The final decision by the court will be issued in 3-6months.

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  • New donations

      12 April 2024

    I've updated our goal as we have received some financial backing from the community! Please keep it coming! We are nearly there!

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  • Full commitment!

      27 February 2024

    All experts have been engaged and we are preparing our evidence for the court in April. Please help us share the financial load and show your community support! We very much appreciate your help in defending the Cove!

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  • Update

      23 December 2023

    We have updated our fundraising goal and the new timeline to suit the court date.

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  • Merry Christmas!

      23 December 2023

    Hi everyone - Thank you for your support! With agreement unable to be reached during mediation the case now heads to the Environment Court in 2024. The Environment Court Date has been set for the 29th of April 2024 and we are busy preparing our evidence for court. We have assembled a great team of local experts - a Landscape Architect, a Resource Consent Planner and an Ecologist - to support our cause. We are now gearing up to raise further funds to support our efforts in the New Year. Please share our fundraiser with your friends and family and let's make this happen! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!

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  • September Update

      1 October 2023

    Hi everyone,

    You may have seen that we have extended the closing date of this page - we had a mediation meeting on Sept 5th - this is still an ongoing process & discussions are confidential between ourselves & the applicant as the two remaining parties and may continue for some time yet. The council are also involved. We are doing our best to reduce the scale and intensity of the original proposal, keeping in mind that anything we agree to could possibly set a precedent for the area. Keep spreading the word & keep watching this space! Thank you for your ongoing support, emails & phone calls. We do appreciate these!

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  • A response to the "Bobs Cove local and professional planner"

      4 September 2023
    Main image

    Further info:

    It is clearly stated that the area in question is marked in red, with potential future expansion (as this development could possibly set a precedent) marked in orange.

    QLDC’s planner initially recommended the consent be refused, later changing his mind saying consent COULD be granted given certain benchmarks were met. However as not all of these benchmarks were achieved, his recommendation to the Commissioner’s hearing was that consent be refused (Council’s S42A report). QLDC's Landscape Architect also recommended to refuse consent.

    The developer originally applied for resource consent on a non-notified basis but was forced to publicly notify it after receiving an unfavorable planning report from QLDC. Ref:

    The application attracted 24 public submissions, 4 in favour, 20 opposed. 2 other separate parties provided written consent (6 parties provided written consent but 4 of those also submitted in favour). Of those 26 submissions, nearly all are full-time local residents.

    A Commissioner’s hearing was set down & completed on 30.11.2022. Based on the evidence provided at the hearing QLDC decided to refuse consent on 16.12.2022. Refer e-docs RM210618.

    We stand by our view that an intensive development of this nature has no place in Bob's Cove-Punatapu. If anyone has any further questions or concerns about the info provided please email us at

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  • Sacred Pool

      30 August 2023

    If you needed reminding why Bob's Cove - Punatapu is so special, please check out this video of Robin Roberts' (of GMA fame) visit earlier in 2023. The segment starts at 1:22 until 4:28.

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  • Humbling

      27 August 2023

    Hi everyone, thank you so much for your donations & spreading the word. Apologies we haven't been able to reply individually to each of you but to see the balance ticking up on a regular basis has been amazing to see. It's humbling to see how many of you are behind this cause. We have a mediation meeting with the developer & Council on September 5th for which we are getting prepared. We have a Trust meeting scheduled prior to this (30th Aug), please do email us if you would like to attend. Nga Mihi, Bob's Cove-Punatapu Community Trust

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