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Help us protect Griffin Creek

$8,920 of $50,000 goal
Given by 93 generous donors in around 4 months

We’re raising funds for an ongoing court case so DOC clarifies how much water Griffin Creek Hydro Ltd is allowed to take from Griffin Creek.

West Coast

Griffin Creek flows into the Taramakau River on South Island's West Coast, Te Tai Poutini. A conservation and recreation gem, it has potential for inclusion in the Arthur’s Pass National Park. The creek’s canyon is one of the top canyoning trips in Aotearoa and the surrounding forest is ecologically significant, home to many endangered species, including whio.

Griffin Creek Hydro Limited’s concession to construct a hydro scheme on Griffin Creek is an example of commercial exploitation of public conservation land and the concessions system. Even though the GCHL's application did specify the maximum amount of water that can be taken from the creek, the latest concession from DOC does not clarify that.

To save this wild pristine river from diminishing, we believe that the maximum amount of water intake should be determined. Therefore we continue the legal battle against GCHL and DOC and are taking the Griffin case to the Court of Appeal.

If we want to protect our land from unnecessary economic development, we need more clarity in the concession processes and how conservation law is applied and interpreted. Griffin is just one of many places that are under threat at the moment. Let's not allow commercial interests to destroy precious land and free-flowing rivers, which belong to nature itself.

We can win this, but we need your support. The hearing is coming up in May 2024. Please donate to save the Griffin and keep it roaring!

See www.fmc.org.nz/griffincreek for more.

About us

Federated Mountain Clubs is an independent not-for-profit founded in 1931. Representing over 22,000 outdoors people exploring Aotearoa New Zealand's wild places, we celebrate outdoor recreation and our backcountry and protect both for future generations.

Use of funds

We’re raising funds for our legal challenge in May and for the costs already accrued by the Griffin Creek case. Any amount raised will go towards covering the costs of the Court hearing and anything over and above would be a general donation to the MFT.

Latest update

Disappointment by Court's decision on Griffin Creek  22 September 2024

FMC has recently received the Court of Appeal's decision that there is no maximum water intake for the hydro scheme on Griffin Creek.

We are disappointed, but we respect the decision and will not be appealing further. We imagine this is unwelcome news for all of you and no doubt you'll be sharing the disappointment with us.

Despite the Court's ruling, a reasonable level of protection of the creek remains through a minimum residual flow set at 456 l/s. Also assuring is that the concession includes protections limiting the size of any potential future hydro scheme on the creek. FMC will be keeping a close eye on how these protections are upheld and will continue advocating so that future concessions will specify maximum water intake conditions.

Despite the outcome, our advocacy remains resolute. We will continue to monitor closely how our rivers are managed and work to protect public conservation land from unnecessary development.

We would like to acknowledge the generous support of all who donated. Your trust, encouragement and financial support are greatly appreciated – they keep us going on the darkest days and they do make a difference! We would also like to acknowledge the NZ Canyoning Association. Their intimate knowledge of the canyon provided a wider context for the case. Their support has been invaluable throughout.

Even though the outcome is not what we hoped for, we continue to stand and work for what we believe in and we hope you will join us in the future.

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Latest donations

Sue on 15 Jul 2024
In memory of Kay Holder
Tina and Penny
Tina and Penny on 13 Jul 2024
In memory of Kay Holder Save our phenomenal natural heritage!
Mary Jo & Geoff
Mary Jo & Geoff on 12 Jul 2024
In memory of Kay
mark on 10 Jul 2024
Miranda on 07 Jul 2024
Roar on!

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Federated Mountain Clubs (Charity)
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A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
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Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 12 Apr 2024 and ended on 31 Jul 2024.