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  • Support from Hamish Kerr

      21 June 2023

    We heard a story that Hamish Kerr's grandfather Alan Kerr was an Owai member way back and brought Hamish down to Lovelock a couple of times when he was young so we checked it out with Hamish who confirmed: "Yes my grandad Alan was a member for a long time in the 80s I believe! He was a marathon guy. I never jumped at Lovelock I don't think but I'm stoked you guys are getting a new mat." So that's a neat connection. Check out the video of Hamish in action competing in Europe earlier this year.

    By the way, very exciting news about the campaign coming soon... thanks everyone.

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  • Progress on the high jump mat campaign

      3 June 2023

    Thank you all for your support with the high jump mat campaign. We've hit $1000 which is superb. A couple of updates: We're holding a mile road race on the 18th June and we'd love to invite you all to come along - either to participate or just help us eat birthday cake. Yes - Owairaka Athletics turns 80 this year!

    In terms of the mat, we're closer to choosing one and have approached a couple of suppliers for quotes. We're keen to get it in use for the next track and field season.

    There's still potential for a local business to get involved and get their branding on the mat. The current ones have been in use for a long time so it's a great opportunity to get a company name out in front of the community for quite a few years to come. If you can think of a company that might like to get involved, please forward this appeal page to them. Thank you all.

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