Please help us to replace our tools, our windows and our faith in community
Kaikohe, Northland
We are a group of travelling volunteer gardeners who are currently in Kaikohekohe Northland offering our time to build gardens, weed, lawn mow, weedeat and maintain for the community of Northland.
Our charity has been doing work like this for 7 years and e love wht we do for the people, the land and the wider community
Unfortunately in our first 10 days of being here over $5,000 of tools has been stolen and $2,000 in damage caused to our vehicles. We have reported to police but don't have a lot of hope recovering tools or fund to cover the damage costs. Of all the car in our carpark- the two that are uninsured now have smashed windows and have had the interior damaged, panels smashed and the spare tyres stolen
We are appealing today to get some assistance with fundraising for more tools so that we can continue the work we intended on doing while we are up here. We are devastated to have lost our gear - but have hope that we can carry on with our work by fundraising here
We build gardens to feed the community, teach the community to feed themselves and empower them to feed each other. Our Goal is to have an edible organic garden available for Every New Zealander.
We will buy a weedeater, lawn mower, 2 wheelbarrows, 3 impact drills spades, forks and rakes to replace what is stolen. We will also fix our two car windows that we're smashed and spare tyre that we're stolen
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