Help us support Debbie through her cancer journey

$10,722 donated
Given by 72 generous donors in around 4 months

Debbie, with a heart of pure gold, needs our help. I love that now is a time that we can give back to her. Join me if you can xo

Bay of Plenty

My wonderful friend and hard working team member at The Healing Room has received news that no parent or person wants to hear in their lifetime. She has an aggressive form of breast cancer.

I know money isn't a high value to Deb and her family, and they would never ask for monetary help directly, but right now they need it. Deb wouldn't want a sob-story written, she is strong and could do this no doubt without our help. But life doesn't have to be hard, and if others have the money while someone doesn't, why can't we share and help each other?

If you want to help, I hope to raise money that will allow Deb to use any treatment she needs and chooses, fund Deb to potentially take the time away from work she needs, to support her & her family with good quality food and supplements & most importantly, to keep their roof over their heads.

Thank you so much for your kindness in reading this, any help for Deb and her family that you can provide will offer a security that I know will make all the difference to the shape of this health journey.

Jolanta Williams' involvement (page creator)

Debbie is first a friend but also a workmate, colleague and a huge part of my life. She is the kindest, most giving, most balanced person I could name, and deserves life to be easy for a while.

Use of funds

All the money will feed straight into Debbie and Rik's bank account to: use on treatment as they choose, fund Deb to potentially take the time away from work she needs, to support her & her family with good quality food & to keep a roof over their heads.

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Latest update

Thank you for helping us support Debbie  21 December 2020

Thanks again everyone for your amazing support to Debbie and her family. We have had 49 donations and almost $5000 raised! Your generosity has exceeded our expectations, and we are so pleased to be able to offer Debbie more ease and flexibility to make the best decisions for her.

Experiences like this become a journey for us all... this sort of news affects us all deeply. If you need someone to talk to about how you're feeling with this, pick up the phone and have a chat with Lynn, Carol or Jo on the front desk at The Healing Room 07 5441133. Sometimes just sharing how you feel can lessen the burden!

Stay well and merry this Christmas!

Thanks again,

Jolanta xo

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Latest donations

Peter on 13 Mar 2021
Sending love from Pete, Em and Kirra
Pam on 08 Mar 2021
Thinking of you often and sending love
dc on 02 Mar 2021
Rebecca on 02 Mar 2021
Kiri on 01 Mar 2021
Sending love and strength to you, Deb and Rik as you undertake this path ahead. I consider Kylie and Simon family, and by extension, you both also. Please reach out if I can help at all. Kiri

Who's involved?

Jolanta Williams's avatar
Created by Jolanta Williams
Debbie Turbitt's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Debbie Turbitt
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This campaign started on 13 Dec 2020 and ended on 31 Mar 2021.