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Help with Ed's emergency vet costs

  • Tuesday 8th Evening update.

      8 November 2022
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    So we headed into our regular vet this afternoon after my concerns this morning which were totally valid. As I was worried I was over thinking but nope Ed wasnt 100%.

    The vet checked him over and his bladder wasn't full so that explains no pee when he was trying this morning. She suspects his bladder was spasming which is why he kept wanting to pee and nothing was coming as his bladder was empty. She suggested giving him fluids to help flush his bladder as he could develop a UTI so we did that and he had a pain med injection.

    He had slightly raised temp but she wasn't sure if that was due to stress of coming in or not. I've got to keep an eye on him and if he looks like he's still not improving we will be back in tomorrow morn and they will pop an iv in and try get a pee sample lol.

    She decided to add a new pain relief to his medication that he can have twice a day (morning & night) which should help his discomfort. He's going to stay on his anti-inflammatory medication a bit longer as we got a new bottle of that + his new pain meds for next couple of days.

    He took his dinner time meds without much fuss although I do have a claw mark lol (he's not fussed on the pill one he gets before the liquid anti-inflammatory) and was pretty good about his new one tonight at 11pm.

    So far he's peed tonight and stunk me out of the lounge 🤣 the other upside to today, he quite likes his new special urinary care biscuits he's on which is excellent.

    So today was another expensive afternoon but hopefully he keeps improving!

    Thanks everyone for your love & Support this past week, it means so much! Especially my Twitter pocket pals 💜💜

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  • Lil weary

      8 November 2022
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    So Ed's been doing well since home, drinking, eating and peeing like he should. That is till this morning where I'm watching him like a hawk. As he decided at 5.30am it was breakfast which is fine. But since then he keeps going to all the litter boxes and not really doing anything.

    5mins ago he did do the smallest pee but I need him to keep going otherwise were headed back to the vet this morning :( so my fingers are crossed that he's going to prove me wrong and pee more. Here I was thinking I'd be ok closing the page this week but now I'm not sure till I know he's definitely OK.

    The upside his special new Urinary Care biscuits arrived as has his Feliway Diffuser to help. I love the fact my courier comes before 7am, so we can start the day with these things.

    Ed has tried his new biscuits and is quite happy so that's a good sign...

    So please send good thoughts that he will keep peeing this morning so we don't have to head back to the vet today...

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  • Ed's Friday Update 💜

      4 November 2022
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    So this morning I got a call just after 9am to say they took the catheter out at 4am and he was doing well & had peed once which was fantastic. They still had his IV in though for fluids. The vet wanted him to pee again before we could make plans for discharge so said they'd call once he had.

    Just before 11am they called back to say Ed had managed to pee again so they were happy to discharge him today. So we made time after 2pm to get him discharged and talk through his care.

    After an expensive uber ride I got there just after 2.30. His Dr Steffi was amazing and talked me through how he went this morning and his care plan. What meds he would be on for the next wk and when best to give them. The change in his diet and best way to manage things so I can do everything I can so hopefully Ed won't go through this again. It is a huge risk that it can happen in the next few days so I was talked through what I need to watch for etc. I also got him a 12 pack of the new urinary diet wet food as at the moment they didn't have the dry food In stock so I'll see if I can order online.

    Then we headed home, he was rather relieved to be home.... his lil sister on the other hand is a little stand offish.

    Ed has happily been eating and going to the toilet! He took his meds tonight like a pro and purred the whole time. He's had some naps and just seems alot more himself then he did earlier in week and since I picked him up.

    We will have a follow up visit with our regular vet in a week or so and monitor his weight too as that's now part of trying to reduce this from happening again. I also have to make sure he isn't too stressed as that can cause the blockage to reoccur too. So I'll be investing in a Feliway Diffuser that helps with calm amd elevating stress for cats.

    Hes definitely happier to be home as am I now he's back. Tonight we will sleep in the lounge so he's happy & comfy. Pic was taken tonight.

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  • ED update for Thursday

      3 November 2022
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    He still has his catheter in as too much blood still in urine. At 4am Fri morn they are going to look at removing it & moving him to the quiet ward to see how he goes. He is responding well to his anti-inflammatory meds, IV fluids & things.

    He has eaten but not much but vet Said it's understandable. Once home he has to be transitioned onto new diet which isn't going to be cheap as I checked that at but I'll do what I have to for him so I need to order that tonight. They are hoping That if he does well with catheter out tomorrow & shows he can pee on his own without too much problems then they will think abt letting him come home.

    I did ask figures and depending on how he goes tomorrow final costs will be between $2000 -$2500 😲 but I am so thankful he is Being so well cared for at Massey Vets. I've prepared for most things for when he comes home though I need to order his new food.

    I am thankful for all of you helping us & all the messages + love as its been so scary, emotional & hard with everything else too 💜 you guys are Truly amazing. I've updated the goal total to reflect the new estimated costs after call today too.

    Here's another throw back image for u all.

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  • Tonight's update call from Vet

      2 November 2022
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    I've finally managed to sit down and write an update for you all.

    Firstly this morning he had a lot of blood in his urine still with the catheter but the surgery did go well.

    Just before 7pm I got the update for tonight. He hadn't eaten yet but the vet said she was going to try some chicken to coax him to eat. He has been doing well with his pain relief which is great! The catheter is doing it's job and helping drain his bladder, although there's still blood in his urine. They are hoping by morning (thurs) that it's cleared so they can remove the catheter and encourage him to pee on his own. If that goes well then they will consider letting him come... so hopefully he may be home tomorrow evening.

    I've been out to get a few things to prepare for when Ed does come home today. We're still not sure of the total cost till Ed is discharged as this morning they mentioned $1800 which is a bit more than the estimated costs they gave Me last night plus it's $250 per day he's there. So I'll let everyone know his final costs once he's discharged. ♡ I'm so thankful to everyone who has donated and/or shared this in the past 24hrs it means so much to me.

    Attached is a throw back pic of Ed for you all.

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