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Help With Rhiannon’s Medical Bills

$13,206 of $15,000 goal
Given by 157 generous donors in over a year

My friend Rhiannon needs support for medical care while suffering severe ME/CFS


UPDATE: Rhiannon has found this a huge help and been able to find some very specific areas of support needed. Its been determined that she has been negatively affected by mycotoxins and so future funding will go to:

1) ERMI testing (a type of DNA-based testing that uses Environmental Relative Moldiness Index (ERMI) values to identify mold levels in a given area.) (approx. $1,265)

2) Remediation.

3) Upgrade ventilation system to prevent environment re-growing mold. (approx. $8,000)

4) Treatment protocol to try clear biotoxins and imbalances in her system.

My super awesome pal Rhiannon has been bedridden for well over a year with severe myalgic encephalomyelitis. She developed this when she was 11 and spent years on and off bedridden but always recovered to the point where she could slowly achieve things but with physical consequences. However now she is severely affected to the point where all she can do is play on her phone. It affects every aspect of her health and life and makes her extremely susceptible to outside illnesses meaning she can’t go to hospital due to risk and needs private doctor care and extra finances to get things like medical supplies, supplements and if the house itself is contributing (harmful molds) potentially looking at renovations. Literally any little bit will help out and mean that we can see our friend again.

Euan Towns-Lindroos' involvement (page creator)

Rhiannon is a dear friend of mine and currently due to the nature of illness we cannot visit or help physically so our friends want to set up a way to help remotely.

Use of funds

The main focus is to get extra support for a health watch, private doctor visits as there are no specialists available, potential adjustments to house and living, and ongoing medicine costs. Funds will be paid to Rhiannon's brother Jordan Ansell.

Latest update

Rhi’s updated specific needs!   3 November 2024

Rhi has provided a detailed list of items and supports she needs and we are extending the page to accommodate this. Here’s the specific costs:

Purchases lately outside of my income and what my limited income goes on: I get $500 pw to cover

-Supplements (each one ranges from $25-$400+ per supplement)

- skin/hygiene stuff like baby wipes & sanitising spray.

-Medical supplies (I.e Panadol ibuprofen, ketotifen $200 for 200 pills, each script cost and $1K for 3 months of ivabradine)

-Snacks, milk, stuff for drinks (I only have a few foods I can eat and most is hospital covered but the hospital just give me eggs, fish, rice and pumpkin everyday)


-The occasional one off take away meal

-VPN I’m getting hacked in hospital daily lol $20 pm

-Phone bill too $20 pm

- Netflix (unless someone wants to add me to their one for cheaper & any other service 🥹)

- Spotify


- Silk pillowcases my old ones are dying

- New pillows

- Ongoing support to access medications and supplements & other essential items

- Massage, osteo etc

- Air filter (400+100 shipping)

- Water filter

Funds also going towards script reassessment and renewal for THC

Lumbrokinase: $250 for 90



MitoQ- $70-80 per bottle, x4 per day

R lipolic acid

BPC157 - $150


DAO enzymes $150-170 pm

Glutathione $150 pm

Bromelian and quecertin $70pm

Luteolin: 100-150

Prodome glia - can't afford right now

Milk thistle

Nettle leaf



L carnatine

Probitoics - ultra flora - $70

Reuteri $30-40



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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 05 Jan 2025
Elvira on 31 Dec 2024
2025 better be ur year or ELSE 😤
Karina on 15 Dec 2024
heres to getting un-cooked together
Rissa on 15 Dec 2024
Alec on 05 Dec 2024
You da bestest!!!

Who's involved?

Euan Towns-Lindroos's avatar
Created by Euan Towns-Lindroos
Jordan Ansell's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Jordan Ansell on behalf of Rhiannon Purves
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This campaign started on 6 Oct 2023 and ended on 3 Feb 2025.