Help Alex Reilly on his road to recovery from Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS).
In January this year a just turned 15 year old boy was struck down by a cruel condition that hardly any of us had heard of. A tummy bug lead to the onset of the rare disorder known as Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). So instead of joining his peers starting Year 11 at CBHS, Alex Reilly was left fighting for his life.
This page begins well after Alex’s struggle began.
We met Alex and his family like many Kiwi families meet, through sport. Over the last 5 years we have watched Alex grow and mature into a fine young man. Alex is a keen rugby player, excellent student and a wonderful son, brother, grandson and friend. To watch all this be snatched away from Alex and his family has been horrendous.
Alex’s illness was extremely rapid, and basically happened overnight when he was on holiday in Nelson. On the same day he was taken to Nelson Hospital by ambulance, he was flown to Christchurch ICU, and then ventilated that night. For 71 days Alex fought for his life in the Intensive Care Unit in Christchurch Hospital. Paralysed from the neck down with a ventilator breathing for him, Alex fought pneumonia, chest infections and incredible levels of pain while trying to adapt to life in a bed 24/7 without the ability to communicate normally.
Alex is now at the Burwood Hospital’s spinal unit where he has spent the last 5 weeks adapting to this new environment. Nothing about his recovery can be taken for granted, and no one can guarantee total recovery. Alex is working determinedly to get off his ventilator and to finally talk again. Alex knows Burwood is where the hard work begins. We are just relieved that he is now in a place, physically and mentally, where the word ‘recovery’ can be used.
Alex is determined and strong minded. He has the support and love of his wonderful parents, Pip and Allan, brother Ben and a wide network of family and friends that will be there every step of the way.
This page has been set up to help provide some financial support for Alex while he travels along this unknown recovery road. One thing for certain the equipment required for Alex’s recovery will be expensive and there is little or no funding available.
Please support Alex Reilly!
What is Guillain-Barré syndrome?
Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a disorder in which the body's immune system attacks part of the peripheral nervous system. Guillain-Barré syndrome can affect anybody. It can strike at any age and both sexes are equally prone to the disorder. The syndrome is rare, however, afflicting only about one person in 100,000. Usually Guillain-Barré occurs a few days or weeks after the patient has had symptoms of a respiratory or gastrointestinal viral infection.
The symptoms of GBS can increase in intensity until certain muscles cannot be used at all leave the person almost totally paralyzed. In these cases, the disorder is life threatening - potentially interfering with breathing and, at times, with blood pressure or heart rate - and is considered a medical emergency.
I am a friend of Alex and his family and I am hoping to help them by raising funds for Alex's recovery.
If we can do this for this wonderful family then they can concentrate on the most important task, being there to support Alex every step of the way.
Funds will be used to assist with any expenses associated with Alex's recovery.
Update from Pip 30/12/2017 30 December 2017
“We are now just weeks away from when our lives got turned upside down. Alex is living back at home and we are all doing well. There have been a few adjustments, but it is great to have him home and for us to all start working towards a new way of being. We have bought a new family home as the old one really wasn’t suitable for Alex and our new home is much easier for him to access and move around in.
What I really want to say however is a huge thank you to you all for enabling us to support Alex with all the bits and pieces that he now needs. You have all been extremely generous and we are very humbled by the support and kindness shown towards our situation. Thank you very much and we wish you all a very happy 2018. “