Help to cover surgery and recovery costs for little Pip
Pip is my sisters lovely little dog who was attacked by four large mixed breed dogs while out walking in the park yesterday. She was very severely injured, and was rushed to the SPCA where she was in surgery for three hours. The owner of the four dogs who attacked fled without taking any responsibility. Pip has been very tough so far, but will have a long road to recovery and is very likely to need additional surgeries to reconstruct her tummy.
Pip is my fluffy niece and I love her very much.
All funds raised will go towards covering pips surgeries and hospital stay which is estimated to be around $2500. If there is any spare money raised after her costs have been covered it will all be donated to the SPCA who have been amazing.
Unbelievably grateful 7 February 2017
Just wanted to say how incredibly thankful we are to so many wonderful people who have donated. My sister and myself have both been brought to tears over your generosity and the relief to be able to focus on pips recovery without the financial worries on top.
Pip is doing well so far, she still needs to be monitored very closely and is not yet out of the woods. We may not know for a few weeks if she needs additional surgery but so far she is recovering well and is eating and managing to come out her cage for daily cuddles.
Thank you all again from myself, my sister and little Pip-squeak