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Alex and the Girls need your help to get home

$33,389 donated
Given by 260 generous donors in 23 days

Alex and the girls lost their father/ husband unexpectedly. They could really use help in this time of need.


This page has been set up to help our dear friend Alex and her two young girls Elliana and Kaila, who have just lost their husband and dedicated father Paul Raine.

Paul is a well-known, well liked and highly respected figure in the Building Services industry in NZ, holding the key position of Engineering Manager for Jackson Engineering Advisers over the past 6 years, following a successful career in the UK.

Jacksons bought Alex and Paul to NZ from the UK in late 2011 as newly-weds and the couple soon settled into a new life in NZ. Elliana was welcomed into the happy family 2 ½ years ago, followed by Kaila exactly 12 months ago, by two very proud parents.

Tragically, Paul passed away suddenly and unexpectedly on Saturday 5th August 2017 (age 43) while out for an evening walk, just a few hours before Kaila’s 1st birthday. The family, friends and all of Paul’s workmates are devastated by their loss.

As well as having two beautiful young Kiwi daughters, Paul also has two gorgeous teenage daughters (Mia and Darcy) back in the UK, all of whom would bring a proud smile to the dedicated family man whenever mentioned.

It is heart-breaking to now contemplate the girls growing up without the love and guidance of their dedicated father and hugely difficult for Alex at age 38 having to face the future without the support and love of her devoted husband.

Having lost their main source of income, the young family has decided to relocate back to the UK, where close family can provide the support required to provide the girls with the best chance at a successful life, and to rebuild their shattered lives.

The aim of this page is to raise sufficient funds to cover the immediate costs associated with the funeral, rent & living essentials, together with the costs associated with repatriation of the family back to the UK, including travel and relocation costs.

The initial response to the sad news of Paul unexpected passing has been overwhelming form friends and industry alike. Many of you have offered your help and financial assistance to support the family through this most difficult time.

In lieu of flowers (thanks to those who have already sent some beautiful flowers to the family), we would be delighted if you could provide some financial support to Alex and the girls via this Give-a-little service to a family in need at this time.

On behalf of Alex and the girls, we provide our humble thanks in anticipation of your support in helping this wonderful kind and caring family through the toughest of times. It is the least we can do in memory of a wonderful father and much respected colleague.

Paul’s funeral service will be held at 2:30pm this Friday (11th August 2017) at:

Dils Funeral Services

185 Schnapper Rock Road

Albany, Auckland

David Nankivell's involvement (page creator)

Friends wanting to help.

Use of funds

Funeral costs, Rent, Food, Baby necessities, Flights to Uk for Alex and the girls, Shipping costs, Living expenses while they grieve and rebuild their lives without Paul.

Latest donations

Richa & Rohan Metrani
Richa & Rohan Metrani on 28 Aug 2017
Andres & Feli
Andres & Feli on 26 Aug 2017
Our hearts go out to Alex and the girls
Lee Hamilton
Lee Hamilton on 26 Aug 2017
Alison Hila
Alison Hila on 25 Aug 2017
Thoughts and prayers are with you all at this difficult time. Such a devastating loss. RIP Paul. X
Ian & Caroline Smithson
Ian & Caroline Smithson on 25 Aug 2017
Rest in peace Paul. Alex, our thoughts are with you and your girls.

Who's involved?

Alex Raine's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Alex Raine
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This campaign started on 7 Aug 2017 and ended on 31 Aug 2017.