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Helping Berwyn, his Wife & Children

  • Getting better everyday

      26 June 2017

    The weekend has been one of great steps for Berwyn, he has moved from High dependency unit to his own room and now is monitored every 2-4 hours for blood pressure and blood clot injections. His abscess has gone down but he had a slight allergic reaction to the antibiotics creating itchy rash spots. His speech therapy has really helped he can say a sentence now rather than about 2-3 words at a time... unfortunately we still have not made any improvement in the leg or arm and he has been told hopefully by the end of this week he will be moved to middle more for the next stage in his recovery - rehab. His head is still swollen and he gets tired easily and also frustrated with too much movement so at the moment he's awake for an hour and sleeping for 2. He has a special wheel chair (same one they sat him 24 hours after his big surgery) and twe finally made it out the hall way and down to the shop level just to get him out of the same 4 walls he laying in but we only lasted just shy of a hour, nurses say should be aiming for longer but it's just too much for him. They say it's just to get him out of a bed and sitting up in another position... but even that has come a long way because he only lasted 30 minutes the time before. Unfortunately our journey on the road to recovery is just starting with the intensive rehab/physio coming his way hopefully he takes this in his stride and can gain some control in his leg and arm. He has a medical certificate stating he will not be able to return to work until September but this is really just a date to review his situation (if he has regained the movement in the left side) But as for the Auckland neurological department they have done all they can for him now so I'm soo grateful to them for their wonderful care especially AWHINA his favourite nurse she really helped me understand what's going on and reassured me and when she was on shift with him I didn't have to worry as much knowing he was safe and looked after and that she would call me if he needed me or if something was wrong. Thank you from us both if your reading this chick

    I will update again in a week and let u know how we are doing and if we have reached any more steps along the way... once again I just want to thank everyone for their get well wishes and donations and Berwyn would like to also say thank you as he too could have never of imagined how many people care and wanted to help us/him in his time of need.

    Much love the Stanaways

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  • Thank you

      24 June 2017

    Wow. I was utterly speechless when I logged in to see what I saw. I started this page as an attempt to scrape together enough to get us at least through the next couple of weeks. Never ever could I have imagined that I would be paying off one of his debts in full and also be able to cover his weekly payments for the next couple of weeks. You don't know just how much weight has been lifted of me by not having stressing about making ends meet during this time .. it has given me time to put my focus on Berwyn in his recovery and words can never express the gratitude I have for you all. Thank you all for ur support and wonderful comments it's so amazing to know there are so many kind hearted people who are thinking of us and even people who don't know us personally is just overwhelming.

    UPDATE: on Thursday Berwyn had a set back by the meds creating an abscess on his jawline (suspected dental) this meant that his face kept swelling and put more pressure on his skull and sutures. They put him on antibiotics and to fight the infection and he's been a sleep fighting it to. The risk is that the infection can travel straight the affected area in the brain and we would be back at square one but causing more damage. He still has no control on the left side but the docs said his swelling should start reducing now and we should start seeing some improvement with his speech and pain. The day after his operation they had him hoisted into a special chair to take some weight off his hips though he only lasted 20 minutes it was good to see him in another position. Hopefully I have some more positive news after the weekend.

    Thank you again love the Stanaway family

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