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Help Catherine

$3,540 of $5,000 goal
Given by 42 generous donors in around 6 months

Catherine lives on the Kapiti Coast and has a form of arthritis that means she is barely mobile. She is always in lots of pain and can't d


The amount of bad luck and stress this family has endured in the last two years is insane - in labour for three months, baby with severe reflux/apnoea, then this horrible arthritis. I have set up this page to raise funds to get Catherine some home help. (She will no doubt be mortified.)

Latest update

Update for 22/03/2013  22 March 2013

On behalf of Catherine and the family I'd like to say thank you! Donations are now sitting at $3210. You have all been spectacularly generous and we are very grateful, especially because Catherine has now been turned down for funded home help, both by the DHB and MoH, several times. This is because she has a condition she is on medication for - if she was immobile because of an injury, she would qualify. She has recently started a new drug that we hope will begin to make a difference in a few months. At the moment, an au pair is staying at Catherine's place and helping out. When she goes home in a couple of weeks, the home help you have helped to fund will start to kick in. If we reach our goal of $5000 in six months, it will fund two hours of much-needed help per weekday for that period. So please spread the word :) Thanks so much, Esther (Catherine's sister)

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Latest donations

Jules and Craig
Jules and Craig on 14 Jun 2013
love from us xx
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 20 Apr 2013
jules and craig
jules and craig on 14 Apr 2013
lots of love from us!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 05 Apr 2013
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 16 Mar 2013

Who's involved?

Esther Kiernan's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Esther Kiernan
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This campaign started on 5 Mar 2013 and ended on 5 Sep 2013.