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Help Emily Get to London For The U23 Ultimate Champs!!!

$337 donated
Given by 6 generous donors in 8 weeks

Help Emily Get to London for the U23 Ultimate Frisbee Champs!!!



My name is Emily!

I am from Whangarei, New Zealand and I play the sport Ultimate Frisbee! I am super passionate about Ultimate and jump on every opportunity to play and train!

Ultimate Frisbee is a very spirited game involving high fitness, high skill levels, and teamwork.

I have been selected to be on the New Zealand U23 Women’s Team (Karearea). We are off to London in July 2015 for the WFDF World U23 Ultimate Championships to compete against some of the top teams worldwide.

The entire campaign will cost about $7,000. I have created this page to help me fund my way to London as I am currently a university student.

If you're able to offer any measure of financial support, I would greatly appreciate it, and if not, please follow myself and my team on our journey!

Thanks so much!!


Team Facebook Link here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/New-Zealand-U23-Ultimate-Teams/424718750954904?__mref=message_bubble

Latest donations

Rashida on 08 Jun 2015
I'm so proud of you Em! Love you always xox
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 07 Jun 2015
Some of us make really bad decisions after a bottle of wine, and it ends up costing us a bit of money after lost bets and all that. Well, it's debatable over if they're bad decisions or not, obviously for you, this would be an excellent decision. :P But hey, we really wanna see you do awesome and all that, so really, it's a pretty good decision overall. Do us proud! :P
Woopwoop on 06 Jun 2015
GLHF don't get rekt, <3
Feel'ometer on 03 Jun 2015
On a scale of 1 to 35 you scored a 1 - Y u hef to be soo mad at LoL. Untill next time, Good night
Feel'ometer on 03 Jun 2015
On a scale of 1 to 50 you answered 15 hope you're mood improves before you're next inspection

Who's involved?

Emily Camuso's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Emily Camuso
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This campaign started on 12 May 2015 and ended on 11 Jul 2015.