Help Ben

$35,538 of $30,000 goal
Given by 773 generous donors in around 3 months

Ben is a 25 year old loved husband, father, son, brother and friend that is battling terminal grade 3 brain cancer.


In Feb 2016, Ben was diagnosed with an Anaplastic Astrocytoma brain tumour or terminal Grade 3 brain cancer.

He is only 25 years old, a loving husband, son, brother, friend and father to two beautiful little girls’ aged 2 years and 4 months.

His condition has recently deteriorated and the cancer has stopped responding to chemotherapy. The doctors say he may only have a few months left.

Ben and his family are wanting to try a treatment that is currently not funded that will hopefully give Ben a better quality of life for the time he does have left. This treatment is around 10k per month if they move forward with it.

Ben and his wife Jess have never and would never ask for help, they are more the "smile and get on with it" type which is why we are setting up this page for them. The money raised will go towards Ben’s treatment and to help his wife and children after Ben has gone and will make what will be a very depressing and sad time a little less stressful financially.

So have a big heart this holiday and give a little towards this amazing guy and his brave family.

Friends of Ben's involvement (page creator)

I am a friend of this inspirational family trying to help them get the treatment they deserve.

Latest donations

Sheereen on 06 Mar 2017
This story broke my heart and I wanted to help in some way,
Dave Thomas
Dave Thomas on 03 Mar 2017
Much love Ben and family. X
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 07 Feb 2017
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 07 Feb 2017
God's blessings, joy, peace, and love be with you.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 05 Feb 2017
Thoughts are with you benny and your family I can't imagine what you must be going through but I hope this little bit can help

Who's involved?

Jessicca Derrick's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Jessicca Derrick on behalf of The Suisala family
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This campaign started on 23 Dec 2016 and ended on 31 Mar 2017.