Our 5 year old nephew has suffered severe burns to 35% of his body.
On the 15th of July, our nephew Hamiora was tragically burnt by a gas heater here in Te Kuiti. He suffered burns to his upper body and face and is now in Middlemore Hospital. The reason we are doing this give a little page is because his father is a solo dad, Hamiora also has 2 sisters who are now with other family members due to this tragic accident. Hamioras journey to recovery will be longer than 3 months and may cause a financial burden to the family that we are reaching out for help.
Sarah Thompson is Hamiora's Dad's sister. She also used to take care of Hamiora and his sisters.
Hamiora :) 6 August 2016
On Monday 1st August Hamiora had his third skin graft. This time was for his face - his cheeks and chin area. He was heavily sedated for a couple of days until the affected area healed over a bit then they brought him out of his sleep. Yesterday Friday 5th August he went into theatre again to ensure his grafts were healing and not rejecting his own skin. Doctors are happy with his progress and resilience. Hamiora is doing great and is always so brave before and after his operations - very rarely complains about anything. He loves watching TV and does his exercises whilst he recovers in ICU. Dad is also doing an amazing job and deserves a Bravery Award too.
Willy and the whanau would like to thank Te Kuiti community for all their ongoing love and support since Hamiora's accident - Stoked Eatery for the Quiz Night, Te Kuiti Primary School for the fundraising events and the many donations from businesses and families. The generosity from you all is overwhelming and we are proud to be part of this community. God Bless.