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Hamish needs his family

  • One Year On....

      28 June 2017
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    10th June marks one year since the McLaughlin’s were first told their little Hamish had blast cells showing in his bloods.

    It took exactly another month, on the 10th July, that they were transferred to Starship and their lives changed. They have had a year of ups and downs, many challenging moments, but also happy times to.

    Hamish is now on day 83 since his second bone marrow transplant and although he was discharged from Starship to Ronald McDonald House in Auckland, he has since had a couple of admissions with some worrying signs.

    During the second admission they were looking for a hidden infection, so Hamish endured more MRI and CT scans. Luckily nothing came of these and he bounced back and was able to return to Ronald McDonald House.

    He has developed a bit of GVH (Graft vs Host Disease) so has been on steroids to help correct this and this has allowed him to put on the weight he had been losing. His taste buds have definitely returned and he is continually eating so as you can imagine the Givealittle money is coming in handy as he has expensive tastes!

    With the bloods looking good and Hamish in full spirits the family is looking forward to finally being back together in Hamilton.

    Although they are nearing the end of this chapter, Hamish will have many more appointments in Starship, numerous blood tests, undergo drug allergy testing (as this has been a problem throughout), be re-immunised (this is at least a year down the track) and of course we all keep our fingers crossed that this second bone marrow stays grafted and the leukaemia stays away.

    The family would like to thank all of you who have followed their journey so far and helped in the many different ways. As they continue into their next chapter there will continue to be costs and, with Hamish not being able to return to daycare for over a year, they will be looking at other ways that Hamish can have social interactions with others.

    They will have a ‘new normal’ but are looking forward to spending some much needed valuable time together and plan to appreciate every special little moment.

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  • Hamish turns 3 and home time on the horizon!

      6 May 2017
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    Hamish once again can be described as an absolute champion and has been strong throughout his second bone marrow transplant. As he has done through much of the last roller coaster year, he took everything in his stride and focused on making his hospital room his own.

    While in isolation for the five weeks Hamish enjoyed making two letter boxes. One was for him to leave letters for the nurses and the other was to receive letters back. He had such fun and luckily the nurses also joined in the fun.

    While in hospital the family celebrated Hamish’s 3rd birthday. The wonderful organisation 'Operation Sugar' made a cake for Hamish and both he and Elliott enjoyed making decorations to jazz up the room and create a party atmosphere the best that they could under the circumstances.

    Since the latest transplant, his counts have continued to rise steadily, enough so that Hamish and mum Haley were finally let out of hospital last week. He has been enjoying resting up at Ronald McDonald House while still visiting Starship most days for blood tests and clinic appointments.

    While the hospital visits are starting to take their toll on Hamish and his mum, they are making the most of the days they do not need to go to hospital. But they can't wait until he is stronger and they are finally allowed to go home to Hamilton and are back together as a family unit, with fingers firmly crossed that this time he is all sorted and can get on with being the amazing little three year old boy that he is!

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  • On the road for transplant number two!!

      22 March 2017
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    After Hamish’s bone marrow transplant in November last year he did remarkably well. His transplant grafted, blood counts increased and he tolerated the immune suppressant drugs well.

    The family got to spend some well deserved time at home, the kids playing in the backyard together was

    awesome to see.

    At the end of January however things started to turn. Hamish was admitted to Waikato Hospital with a suspected bone infection and since this day his counts began to drop. That meant that he has been reliant on red cell and platelets transfusions (10 in total) in the last 5 weeks. His nuetrophils dropped and once again he had no white cells to fight any infection/virus.

    With further investigation with two bone marrow aspirations and a core sample it was confirmed that the first graft had been lost. Pat and Haley will never know why it stopped working it could have been virus or medication. He now had a new condition called Aplastic Anemia.

    Doctors have spent the last couple of weeks researching and working out a way forward. Pat and Haley believe he is the first half match child in NZ that has lost a graft.

    The family will once again head up to Starship to go through a second bone marrow transplant. This time around different drugs need to be used as they are no longer fighting the luekemia at the same time. They are hoping that his dad Pat can be the donor again as it did work last time.

    The second transplant day is booked for 5th April.

    Hamish is a fighter, he is happy and takes everything in his stride. This next admission will be difficult on both Hamish and the family as they will not be able to be together as much as the first time but they will look forward to celebrating his third birthday while in hospital.

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  • 29 November 2016

      29 November 2016
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    It's been a full on couple of weeks for Hamish after being readmitted for the bone marrow transplant. It started with chemo to kill off and emptying his bone marrow ready for transplant day.

    It was a full on time for Hamish, not only with chemo but having to take a cocktail of other drugs multiple times a day. His poor little stomach is taking a battering!

    Nov 23 was transplant day. It was dad Patrick's day to head to theatre at Auckland Hospital for his bone marrow to be harvested (sucked) from his hip bones. This was personally delivered by the surgeon to Hamish to be infused just like a blood transfusion. Patrick was just left with two tiny needle marks on his back - amazing!

    Since transplant day the marrow has been settling into Hamish. He has also had another two doses of chemo to supress his immune system. As always Hamish has been a complete champion and battled through still smiling and playing.

    So for now, for Hamish and his family, it is just a waiting game for the bone marrow to graft. His little body is doing so well considering everything that he is being hit with and he continues to accept being in hospital like it is normal. He is getting more tired, developing a bit of pain and our biggest worry at present is avoiding infection.

    Prior to being readmitted to hospital for the transplant the family took time out to create some memories. Hamish made a list of things he wanted to do that included a trip to the museum, his zoo in Hamilton and a visit to big brother Elliotts 'rocket' (the sky tower) and family photos were also on the cards. This one of Hamish captures his spirit perfectly!

    Thank you to everyone who continues to support this amazing family so they can stay together during this time.

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  • Hamish's Update

      27 October 2016
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    The family are now gearing up for Hamish's bone marrow transplant. Today he had his last planned invasive procedure with bone marrow taken under a general anaesthetic and final tests to make sure he is in the right point of treatment for the transplant to go ahead.

    Dad Patrick has been confirmed as the best partial match donor. For the next couple of weeks in between a few more tests and check ups the family plan to spend special time together and make a few day trips. On Hamish's wish list is Elliott's 'rocket' (skytower), zoo and museum.

    The conditioning prior to the transplant, and then the transplant procedure itself will be extremely hard on Hamish, as if he hasn't had to go through enough already.

    Pat, Haley and big brother Elliott would like to extend a sincere thanks to all those who have made donations and left messages. It is truly appreciated and will go a long way in helping this family stay together through this journey.

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