Help for Lilly

$1,823 donated
Given by 79 generous donors in around 6 months

We are the parents of a beautiful 6-week old baby, Lilly, who needs ongoing medical help.


I am the mum of a beautiful 6 week old baby, Lilly. When she was only a few days old the tip of her finger was cut off while she was in hospital. Surgeons tried to attach it but unfortunately it didn't work. Because of this, I have to travel back and forth from my rural home to her hospital appointments (around 30kms each way), a cost I cannot afford. I don't want to attack anyone here, I am currently dealing with hospital officials about the next steps to take about what happened but I am struggling to keep up, especially without a car. I would not have been in this financial situation if this did not happen to Lilly. It was no fault of my own. I am just hoping for a small bit to get by. Thank you very much for taking the time to read this and to consider donating to us, any amount is gratefully received and will mean we are able to keep up with the ongoing costs related to Lilly's medical appointments and needs and the purchase of a car of our own. Funds raised will go towards the purchase of a car to get us to Lillys appointments.

Sincerely, Lilly's mum, Marie.

Marie Campbell's involvement (page creator)

I am Lilly's mum.

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Guest Donor on 25 Nov 2016
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 20 Oct 2016
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 19 Oct 2016
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 16 Oct 2016
I'm so sorry to here about this. Heart go's out to yous.  I'm not rich  so can only give what I can . Sorry it's not more
I'm so sorry to here about this. Heart go's out to yous. I'm not rich so can only give what I can . Sorry it's not more on 16 Oct 2016

Who's involved?

Marie Campbell's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Marie Campbell on behalf of Lilly
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This campaign started on 12 Oct 2016 and ended on 3 Apr 2017.