Cameron is surprising us all!
13 November 2018Cameron is doing really well, and it has now been 18 days since his accident. He is out of High Dependency Unit and has made some amazing steps to start his recovery. Yesterday he was awake when I saw him, he attempted to pass me his stress ball when I asked for it and lifted his hand to shake mine when I told him I was going, and put some force into his grip. He was following movements and commands around the room, and is starting to recognise people. He is responding well to physio and the only tube he is hooked up to is his feeding tube. He can zoom in and out of photos on a phone, pause a song and swipe left and right through a phone. It's a long journey ahead but he's surprising us all
Great news. This is so good to hear. Well done Cameron - just take it step by step & you will get your life back.