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Helping Others!

$3,304 of $3,300 goal
Given by 62 generous donors in 14 days

This appeal is to help stranded Wallisians in Auckland. Visitors to our country need to go home safe and healthy with good memories of NZ


This group of 25 performers and helpers from Wallis and Futuna came to perform at the Pasifika festival on the Tahiti stage and then go back to their families on March 21. Even though the Pasifika was cancelled they gave 2 free shows at the Auckland War Memorial Museum to present their culture

Their flight back on March 21 t was cancelled by their government as well as any flight going to New Caledonia. They are now stuck in their apartments, which they will need to pay during the whole lock down.

It is for 99% of them their very 1st time on a plane and to New Zealand. Some of them are mature persons and some have health issues. Although they brought enough medications to last 2 weeks, they are now running out of medication and injections and will have to pay much more expensive prices for medication. Their priority is now focused on medication or food

It's their intention to go home as soon as possible if only their government in New Caledonia would in agreement with the NZ government, send an emergency plane to collect over 300 other compatriots. They are here because of the lock down and would be very grateful to the people of NZ for any help they could give

Ena Manuireva's involvement (page creator)

I am the Tahiti village coordinator for the Pasifika festival. I invited this group called Taofi Ke Mau from Wallis and Futuna to come and perform onto the Tahiti stage. They are now stranded here and I am trying to help them.

Use of funds

The funds will be to pay for medications, food and accommodations. If we have a surplus of funds, I will give it to a charity that helps other stranded visitors. If things don't go to plan the priority will be to buy medication and injections

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Latest update

Thank you all for your help/ Merci a tous pour votre generosite.   9 April 2020

Dear friends

The Wallisians are now safely home in New Caledonia and very happy. They have seen the generosity of the people from Aotearoa-NZ and want to thank you all. We have managed to raise as much as we could to help our neighbours of the Pacific. I am, now closing down this givealittle. Thank you!

Chers amis,

Nos cousins Wallisiens sont bien arrives en NC et sont bien-sur tres heureux. Ils veulent remercier les personnes de Aotearoa pour leur generosite. Nous avons reussi a lever autant de fonds possible pour les aider. Je vais maintenant fermer la page et arreter les dons financiers. Merci encore une fois!

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VT on 08 Apr 2020
'Ofa atu kāinga 'Uvea pea mo Futuna. Mālo 'e faitongia kiate kimoutolu na'e lava mai ki Nu'usila fakafānongonongo faiva 'Uvea pea mo Futuna ki kāinga Nu'u Sila. Alofa 'atu ki a koutou.
Ena Manuireva

Dear David, E fai atu he fakafetai mo he fakamalo ki he u ofa kua koutou ofa mai kehe nofo masiva ate Taofi ke mau i niuzila nei. Faka malo lahi atu kia koutou te ofa. Malie. The Wallisians and I would like to thank you for your donation. Les Wallisiens et moi, nous voulons te dire merci pour ta generosite.

Ena Manuireva
Mériane on 02 Apr 2020
Courage Courage
Ena Manuireva

Chere Meriane, Les Wallisiens et moi, nous voulons te dire merci pour ta generosite. E fai atu he fakafetai mo he fakamalo ki he u ofa kua koutou ofa mai kehe nofo masiva ate Taofi ke mau i niuzila nei. Faka malo lahi atu kia koutou te ofa. Malie. The Wallisians and I would like to thank you for your donation.

Ena Manuireva
Gregory on 02 Apr 2020
Ena Manuireva

Dear Donor, The Wallisians and I would like to thank you for your donation. E fai atu he fakafetai mo he fakamalo ki he u ofa kua koutou ofa mai kehe nofo masiva ate Taofi ke mau i niuzila nei. Faka malo lahi atu kia koutou te ofa. Malie. Les Wallisiens et moi voulons te remercier pour ta generosite. Merci.

Ena Manuireva
Lavelua on 02 Apr 2020
I wish you all good health and a safe return home. ʻOfa atu
Ena Manuireva

Dear Lavelua, E fai atu he fakafetai mo he fakamalo ki he u ofa kua koutou ofa mai kehe nofo masiva ate Taofi ke mau i niuzila nei. Faka malo lahi atu kia koutou te ofa. Malie. Les Wallisiens et moi voulons te remercier pour ta generosite. Merci. The Wallisians and I would like to thank you for your donation.

Ena Manuireva
Paulina on 01 Apr 2020
I hope yous are able to get home safely and that you all stay strong despite the current situation. Stay safe.
Ena Manuireva

Dear Paulina, The Wallisians and I would like to thank you for your donation. Les Wallisiens et moi voulons te remercier pour ta generosite. Merci. E fai atu he fakafetai mo he fakamalo ki he u ofa kua koutou ofa mai kehe nofo masiva ate Taofi ke mau i niuzila nei. Faka malo lahi atu kia koutou te ofa. Malie.

Ena Manuireva

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Ena Manuireva's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Ena Manuireva on behalf of Stranded Wallisians in Auckland
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This campaign started on 26 Mar 2020 and ended on 9 Apr 2020.