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Helping Rai Valley residents after losing home in flooding

on 21 Aug 2022

Claudia asks

Hi there. I'm a producer with TVNZ Breakfast. So sorry to hear of what's happened to your family's home! Lovely to see the community rallying behind you in support. We'd love to hear you/your family's story on our show tomorrow morning. The interview would be over Zoom - is this something you would be interested in?


Hi Claudia, thank you so much for your kind words and support — the community and all the donors have been amazing and we are so grateful for the support! At this time my nana is still up the valley and still processing what has happened, and the rest of the family is just waiting to get her and Donald home before any we can start to talk through what has happened and get the full details ourselves. We appreciate the support and givealittle being shared and in the coming week we may be up for an interview but right now just focussing on next steps for nana and Donald :)

Nicole Macdonald

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