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Helping with Ketogenic therapies for Epileptic Children

  • 1 Week to go

      12 November 2022

    Hello Friends and Supporters of DRFX.

    I have one week to go of training and then the race itself. I am feeling pretty good and the training has gone well. But this time around the fundraising has not gone as well. This isn't a plea for you to donate again, more a plea to help with amplifying the cause.

    I have created a DRFX ( web page, Facebook page ( and LinkedIn page ( If it's your thing please could you follow our pages, share them with your friends, family and colleagues and encourage them to drop a dollar, pound or a.n. other currency at the new Give A Little page here

    I recently posted on Facebook and LinkedIn about the return on investment that this therapy creates, a 4.5x to 6x return. With a potential to save up to $60m per year, which would pay for 776 nurses in New Zealand.

    Making some noise about this will help. Topping the funds will do to. Please do what you can. And thank you for supporting and reading.

    Cheers, Andy Kerr

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  • Weddings, Parties and Running Training

      16 October 2022

    Weddings, Parties, Running Training…

    It’s been a busy weekend of hosting a wedding and then filling the dance floor with some carefully curated 80s “bangers” (yes we did Never Gonna Give You Up and Come On Eileen), I have fitted in my running training around hosting duties.

    The plan is going well. Each Sunday in my inbox I receive an email from my coach. Four lots of running per week, two gym sessions and one rest day. The majority of the running is easy pace and the time and distance are gradually increasing. I have five weeks to go until the half marathon.

    The charity trustees have agreed to begin supporting a family that has just started their daughter on a supervised Ketogenic diet. As soon as we are able we will share more details about what the sponsorship of my running can be used for.

    Yet again this update comes to you with a request.

    If you sponsored me last year and can do it again please do, the Give A Little Page is here . Please also share this article and encourage others to help. Last year I was looking for 33000 people to donate $1 each, now it is 4500 people. Together I hope we can get that reach.

    Thank you.

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  • The best laid plans are a bridge too far…

      5 September 2022
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    Well the broken bridge in Colombo Road has scuppered repeating the Masterton Half Marathon in October. The bridge adopted a casual slump a few months ago and it became risky to drive anything heavy over it. Us locals have adapted to the one lane mode, although for a town that has no traffic lights and bags of impatience, a traffic light system caused no end of angst.

    So as one door closes, at least for the moment, I opened another with a casual conversation with Mrs Kerr about changing my Queenstown 10km run (a planned break down to the lakes region and an opportunity to run as well) into the Queenstown Half Marathon. This was endorsed and so I am running the Queenstown Half in mid-November.

    While I had been very keen to run in Masterton again, a bout of covid had shortened my training time to 5 weeks. Not really long enough, so a serendipitous change has occurred and I now have 6 more weeks to train.

    On the topic of Covid (this is not medical advice), I know of one person who has had Long Covid and it really took its toll on him, to be fair it still does if he is not careful. So I have decided not to tempt fate and I am following a carefully curated “Get back after Covid” training plan. I run/walk 4 times a week, do strength 2 times a week and rest 1 day. I am now in week 3, gradually increasing the workload. My longest run so far has been 3.4kms (which of course includes some walking), this was achieved with running for 4 mins 5 times with a minute walk after each run. That was done today.

    The trick though is running at a slow pace, Zone 2 for those that know, which has been made harder by the icy temperatures these past couple of days. It is working.

    I am very confident of not only running the whole distance, but also doing a decent time, for me.

    Yet again this update comes to you with a request.

    If you sponsored me last year and can do it again please do, the Give A Little Page is here . Please also share this article and encourage others to help. Last year I was looking for 33000 people to donate $1 each, now it is 4500 people. Together we can get that reach.

    Thank you.

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  • Covid, Running, Family and it is worth the effort

      6 August 2022
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    Hello Supporter of DRFX,

    Yes I changed your title. This is in full acknowledgement of what you have donated and the fact that you have come a little bit on the journey with me. I am not buttering you up, you have done a good thing, and I am thanking you.

    In this update there is good news and some not so good news.

    The not so good, is that despite a little bit more awareness being created about the need for better access to MKT, it is not happening. A proof of concept service has been established in the South Island, but it is at max capacity and as yet no more money is coming forward. There are some very well connected people in NZ who are trying to change this, but it is a hard slog for them. Even if they do succeed it will still take a while to establish another service. Fingers crossed that they win.

    Win or not, the need for family support does not go away and establishing a fund to help with food or technology costs is still my primary driver. As MKT is not an easy therapy to stay on, helping families to reduce or remove barriers to staying with MKT is well worth the effort.

    In the meantime the good news, after a bit of a hiatus while I visited family and friends back in England, and then a bout of Covid, I am back at fund-raising. You might remember my update in April. In it I talked about running a half marathon again, or at least running the whole way this time. Well I have been training while away and the kms per week are climbing. Confidence is high.

    So to my ask of you. You will start to see Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter posts, please share them when you see them. If you can spare it please do sponsor me again. If you can go here < > and look at and follow the new Give A Little page, and share that too, that would be fabulous.

    I will be emailing and updating more regularly again all through Give A Little. It means it is a bit one way (ie I don’t see who gets the emails or reads them), but I figure you are a nice bunch and of course you are giving this a read.

    And if you have any questions please fire them back to me, either direct or through Give a Little.

    Thank you once again. You have all been fantastic, absolutely fantastic.



    PS - the photo is of the rather excellent DW and I after a fabulous ParkRun at Houghton Hall Park in England - one of my training runs.

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  • Anzac Day and the 2.1 metric tonnes

      29 April 2022
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    At the beginning of this week I crossed another thing off my list. Doing Murph with a vest on. My vest is not an "RX" vest, it is a little lighter at 7kgs, but today is Friday 29th April and I did Murph on 25th April (ANZAC Day) and my legs are still sore.

    Murph is a 1.6km run, 100 Pull Ups, 200 Push Ups and 300 Air Squats and then another 1.6km run. Last year I broke 1 hour for the first time so decided that 2022 would be a vest year. At 1 hour and 22 minutes, it is my slowest ever, but with the extra 7kgs it isn't surprising.

    7kgs doesn't sound much, but on the second run, to take my mind off the fact I was shuffling rather than running, I did the maths, calculating what I carried.

    700kgs on the pull ups, 800kgs on the push ups (based on 66% of the weight being moved) and 2.1 tonnes on the Air Squats. On Wednesday I was going down stairs sideways.

    Is it worth it? To me yes. Murph is a bit of a big deal for me. My way of remembering and my way of keeping up the camaraderie of CrossFit, it is something best done as a group. This was number 6, it will probably be just as hard next year without the vest on. I will keep on doing it until I am not able to. And I will use me, Murph and running as a way of drawing attention to fundraising for MKT in NZ.

    If you get this email and feel like dropping a donation again please do. There is a new page up which you can see here. I have started the ball rolling.

    As always thank you for your support. Stay well.

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  • The last update for this page and a new page is being launched

      14 April 2022

    Hello Everyone,

    It has been a while since I posted an update and while I have been a bit quiet, I have not been inactive.

    As you might remember soon this Give A Little page will expire and while I can add a short extension I have created a new page as a general fundraiser: Please do follow and if you see this on LinkedIn or Facebook give it a like and a follow.

    I do not know, but I guess that with all charitable endeavours there is always more that one can do. I have learned that while I raised USD26000 in the first round of fundraising, I need a little bit more before I can start to help.

    You might be thinking, surely that is enough, well it could be, but if I get another USD4500 it will allow for help to be given, and for the charity to keep earning interest. Our approach to doing good is to make sure it is sustainable.

    So what does this mean? Well if you do have the funds, please do donate again. I am preparing to run a Half Marathon in October and a 10km in November. I am happy to put myself through that, if you feel it is worth a few dollars please do drop them.

    Whatever you decide please do share and follow. The issue of access to MKT is not going away and to solve the problem will require millions of dollars. So getting help for families as soon as I can is the aim.

    If you would like to see the daily increase in funds you can do that here

    If you would like to read about what we are doing you can do that here

    And if you have any questions please fire them back to me, either direct or through Give a Little.

    Thank you once again. You have all been fantastic, absolutely fantastic.



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  • Extending the campaign end date

      25 January 2022

    Hello everyone,

    Another quick update to let you know that I have extended the end date for this particular fundraising campaign. The changes to Red Traffic light in NZ means that my next run has been postponed. While I am still training and having success in that training, I do not know when my next run will be.

    Give a Little lets me extend the date to 25th April (Anzac Day). Maybe I will do a Murph to remember and maybe get sponsored for that.

    Thanks again for your support and reading.

    If you know any artists who might fancy helping raise funds through their Art, please let me know.

    Thanks, Andy.

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  • Happy New Year

      12 January 2022
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    Happy New Year Everyone.

    I hope you all had a fabulous time with your families, friends, others celebrating in the best way that you can, plus doing a bit of relaxing. I did.

    Maybe less relaxing than I had banked on as I did get some digging, tree sorting and shed painting done. It has been hot and sunny here in the Wairarapa and the tasks were made all that much harder by the heat. But I used the “chipper” method, doing a bit here and there and spread the work over several days. I did some CrossFit and a lot of rowing (more later) and no running, at least until the weekend just passed, when I ran at Parkrun for the first time since mid-August.

    Part of the plan for the next half marathon is to build my aerobic capacity, hence the rowing. I am rowing for at least half an hour, the aim is to keep my heart rate under 150bpm for the whole row. The improvement comes from rowing further, i.e. if I row for the same period, with my heart rate under 150, but row further, my aerobic capacity is improving. It is easily measurable using my watch and taking photos of the rowing machine. Then with Parkrun trying to achieve the same heart rate target. I ran the 5kms at the weekend at an average 164bpm and a time of 31:42, pretty slow and not a low enough rate. So, there is more to do.

    The next half is in March and I have a bit of time before that comes around. This week has been busy with work, so a check in with my coach is due next week. I still have some weight to lose, but figured that will happen, fewer things going in my mouth and more movement will get that shifted. But the lure of making Gin has been absorbing. And if you make it, you need to taste it several times.

    I have made 3 lots so far. Batch 1 was a standard recipe, and it produced standard Gin, it was a bit short on the palate, so I mixed it with some boysenberries and a bit of sugar, left it for a week and that turned it into yummy Gin. Batch 2 was bloody good, I made an NZ Bush Gin with Kawakawa and Horopito, great taste and nose, and long on the palate. I mixed a little of that with some blueberries and that has turned out great too. Batch 3 is a citrus gin and it is improving in the bottle. Fresh lemon, lime, orange and grapefruit were used in the process and this time I macerated the juniper in the vodka before distilling. I am still learning of course, but have been chuffed with how they have turned out so far.

    Now. Back to the charity and fundraising. This has gone really well and I am very close to the target. I am going to run for sponsorship again in March and am kicking off an initiative to see if artists will create art that can be sold as NFTs as fundraising. If you can draw or do any form of digital art, and would like to help (you will get paid too), please let me know.

    Trying to do good takes some effort and achieving good does not happen without support. I really do appreciate what you have done.

    If you have any questions or are curious about anything I have written about over the past few months, please do ask.

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  • Yes Pain, Yes Gain!

      11 December 2021

    Week 2 of running coach sessions and a bit more pain.

    I like scientific explanations and I also get concepts and can visualise. While lying on a bench while someone sticks a bony elbow into your backside, you need something to think about. You also need to remember to breathe.

    I used to see a massage therapist who was brilliant at reminding me to breathe and relax. You know how it goes, you tense when you expect pain or when you experience it. This massage therapist just used to say “oi”. It was enough to remind me in that moment to relax and breathe through it, “in through the mouth, out through the nose”.

    On Thursday it was visualisation of me running a half marathon as well as breathing. The pain is temporary.

    The science is working too, I am now a bit taller. Standing with balanced shoulders, not lopsided and can do a raised pigeon and get my nose to the bench. Great progress for only 2 sessions.

    I was also videoed running, more science. I ran away and then ran back and the video showed what is going wrong and what needs fixing. This isn’t revelatory, it is more “now why didn’t I think of that?”. But if I wasn’t seeing a professional, would I have picked up the problem? Unlikely I think.

    When I am running, when my right foot strikes the ground, my right knee caves in, not much, but it is enough to cause my left side to compensate. Now think about running like that for 21 kms. Assuming my stride is around 1m, that same fault happens 10500 times. It is no wonder that eventually my body said “no more”.

    Next week is the start of fixing that right knee problem. It could be associated with my left shoulder problem following the accident and repair of my pectoral muscles, we are built with diagonal support structures. But I could have been doing this for years before then.

    The frustration of not running the whole Half Marathon is dissipating, helped by the work being done with and on me now. I know I can run the distance, but now I want to run it well. So I have set a target of 2:15. There is a bit of sandbagging there, but I figure if I lose the weight I need to get rid of (now 3kgs in 4 weeks) and sort out my running style, get back into training, it will be very doable, probably by some margin.

    Now to fundraising. While the Give a Little has slowed down, the Angel Protocol keeps moving. DRFX now has USD8000 in our Angel account and the Give A Little money has been invested and is earning 19.45%.

    There is a bit more fundraising to do to reach the target. I need your help again. Do you know anyone who can do digital art? I am keen to see if I can create a connection between art and Refractory Epilepsy and enable a way of art driving donations. Please let me know if you do and if you can do an intro for me.

    This will be the last update before Christmas and New Year celebrations. Thank you again for your donations. Enjoy your break if you are getting one. Raise a glass to us. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you wherever you are.

    Best wishes, Andy.

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  • If things don’t go your way, figure out why.

      22 November 2021

    It turns out that you cannot run long distances several times in a few weeks with one inactive glute muscle. It seems that I had managed to turn off my Right Hand side Gluteus Medius, or some of it at least. This meant I was overusing the other muscles that help you run, ie hamstrings, calves, quads and lower back.

    More than likely this was the cause of the cramping in both legs. I had been running some distances leading up to the actual race so it was very likely that I had aggravated it several times and eventually it just said “No more”, and turned off.

    When you are lying on the physio bench and he proves you have no glute strength, then says, “I am going to stick a needle in it. You don’t like needles do you”, you sort of wish something else was wrong. I don’t mind needles at all, but dry needling just makes me feel weird. Not the insertion of the needle, it is the way the muscles react to it, firing off and going bananas, like there is some sort of wild party going on in your backside.

    Anyway, I was brave, did not fuss and got it over with. And as if by magic, I got some strength back in it there and then. A miracle!! Naah, not really, just science over stupidity. Me the stupid one.

    On a call on Sunday morning with some of the old Endsleigh crew I was reminded that running is about the worst exercise you can do for bones, joints and so on. Mr Ross asked me why I do it if I know that. I explained.

    Until CrossFit develops a competition for grey haired men that should not lift heavy and are slightly broken, it is difficult to set targets, to try and win. So I run. I run because I can and as in this case I can use my “story” to help others. But also because I am only competing against myself and my switched off muscles. It is something I can continuously improve on, at least until my knees say “No more”.

    The next few weeks are back to CrossFit, lose some weight, 1.8kgs in week 1 is not bad (week 2 has just begun) and then start running training. I am hoping that the traffic light system will let ParkRun start up again.

    Thank you again for your donation. This page is staying open for 3 more months, so if you know someone who would like to receive these stories from me, all they have to do is donate and leave their email address. Stay well all.

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  • And sometimes things don't go your way

      8 November 2021
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    And sometimes things don’t go your way… I was running really well, was in the hills section and played it safe, walked the climbs and ran the downs and flats, my 14th km ending up being my fastest. Even with gels and salt chews, I got cramp in both legs at 16km and had to walk.

    I tried running it off, but cramp kicked in every time, so I walked fast. Going for a period at 9.30 per km, but then the pain from my muscles took over. Head said “come on” body said “sod off”.

    Just after 14kms Devon met me at the bottom of Lees Pakaraka. Then again at the Homebush Road turn off. Lazy Paul stopped and walked with me for the last 5kms and we passed Tracey, Edward and Devon at the Football ground and then again near the netball courts. With 300 to go I was encouraged to run, but it wasn’t something I could do. I walked across the line and took the applause.

    Walking and chatting with Paul I decided that I would do it again. I will go for some physio and see if I can get someone to help with running training. The target is March at Round the Vines.

    This does not stop the fund raising. The run was a means to an end to draw attention to the charity and get momentum behind bringing in money. Prior to the run I was already planning the initiatives to keep fundraising moving. Thank you to everyone who has donated, you have been brilliant. I will let you know what happens next.

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  • DEFI Ripple Effects - DRE

      25 October 2021
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    Hello Everyone. 2 weeks to go to the big run and I will be honest it has been playing on my mind. While I did a big run of 19.18kms, I didn’t know for certain if I could make the whole distance, so this weekend I pushed on a bit further and did a full 21kms. I have been saying that the first half marathon will be in 2 weeks, I think that still stands, as it is my first official half.

    So I ran 21kms and battled cramp, but got it done in 2:26:46. That is slower than I would like, but I am over the “hump”. The next time I do this, I just have to go a bit quicker.

    My signature Yellow trainers are getting more of an outing now. The article in the Times Age made a play on them, so I figured if I wear them out more I will attract a bit more attention.

    Which brings me to my request or help. You all have been fantastic in supporting me, and many of you have shared and encouraged others. I am asking for you to do this again, not a last push, more a continuous push. I will put out posts on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, please like and share and write about me if you feel ok with doing that.

    I had hoped that RNZ and Seven Sharp would pick up on what I am doing. I did send them the Times Age link, so if you know anyone in the News media who might be interested in the DEFI and Charity space, please do nudge them too.

    Thanks again for support. Next update will be Hills.

    PS - note the profile pic change with the new Logo. I needed a logo for the Angel Protocol. DRE has been added as a charity and you can see here

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  • But wait… there’s more! Knitting Pattern NFTs - oh yes...

      14 October 2021

    It has been a bit of a rollercoaster over the past 10 days, the ups and downs associated with work, running, the charity, fundraising, CrossFit and NFTs and the Metaverse.

    There have been several wins, running the furthest I have ever run, DEFI Ripple Effects (DRE - the charity I was setting up to manage the investment and distribution of the funds raise) is now fully incorporated and registered, The Angel Protocol has confirmed DRE will be added to their Charity Marketplace which gives us access to a portion of funds they have been raising before launch and ongoing through their investing. And this week a great article in the local Wairarapa Times-Age which you can read here

    There has been a bit of a humbling too. I went to a CrossFit comp in Porirua, my first one since my accident in June last year. I went aiming to not come last; I came last out of 6. On the whole it wasn’t a bad performance, it was just that my head remembers what I used to be able to do, my muscles didn’t. I was the oldest there, and probably the only one who had had major surgery and 12 months or so of rehab, not excuses, reality. All that said the comp was excellent and the support was too, not only did WOF CrossFit do a great job, so did the CrossFit Manaia “family” that competed and supported. And I had some great upside, I cleaned and jerked 70kgs, which is the heaviest I have lifted for 15 months.

    Work has been cool. Today was a day of raised arms, virtual high fives and lots of laughs and smiles. We have made great progress with our Azure IOT project and are bang on target. Plus we are collaborating across the hemispheres on cashless.

    And I have had some great chats with people at work and in the NFT space about projects, fundraising and words that Resonate . The handy thing about raising money for charity and the tech world, is the mutual benefit of providing a donation. I need the donation and the new project gets a bit of PR and that donation leads to growth of their community.

    When out running or at the gym I am listening to podcasts and am learning through them about NFTs and the Metaverse. When at home I am doing a ton of PR, writing pieces like this, tweeting, posting on Facebook and being active in Discord channels. In one of the channels I have been able to connect well with the founders of an NFT project, they are going to donate an NFT at mint to DRE.

    I also connected well with the community and yesterday I was commenting on a virtual wool shop, in a virtual city, populated by virtual pigeons. I posed a question… What if we could take valuable NFTs and create knitting patterns from them, but mint the pattern as an NFT. This means that the pattern has its own non-fungible traits. You can knit the one of a kind NFT woolly jumper, from your one of a kind NFT pattern and then could sell the pattern.

    How is that not copyable? How does it stay unique? Well the pattern is part of a smart contract that alters parts of the pattern based on the wallet address of the pattern owner.

    With the rise in knitting due to covid and Tom Daly at the Olympics, this could take off. Or it could just stay as a crazy idea, after all it is quite busy right now. Feel free to steal and credit me if you make it a success. Until next time, cheers… Andy.

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  • Big Day

      2 October 2021

    It was a big day. For 2 reasons I ran the furthest I have ever run, 19.18kms and the charity achieved it's first milestone with confirmation that we are Incorporated as a Charitable Trust. My legs are sore but my head is happy. The next stage for the charity has begun - with registration with Charitable Services. That might take a bit longer to achieve that milestone, but we are moving forward and faster than I am running (at least at the moment). Thank you for all for your support. Please do share this around and ask others to contribute too. Cheers, Andy.

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  • Crikey my feet are sore!

      25 September 2021

    Well I checked the weather forecast and thought "no wind, warm day, let's go", so I did. The intention was to do a mixed run, some flat, some up, some down and some gentle bits. I did the lot and had to walk a couple of times but did 15.36 in 1 hour 50 mins.

    Now, I know too that is bloody slow, but it had a point... Keep going. The run for real will now be in November and starts at 9am, it will be a bit warmer. So the idea was to run in a bit of heat (20 degrees) and take on fluids (wearing back pack). Plus of course go up hill.

    I did everything and in the end while not a great time it was the distance that counted most.

    That was Friday. Today is Saturday and I did CrossFit and supermarket shopping all part of the plan. Don't knock the lifting of shopping bags from cart to car and car to house, it's a workout!

    Tomorrow is early doors CrossFit. Starting at 8am (sounds good, but wait...), it is daylight saving! Which means it is really 7am! But I shall not complain. I am running well and using CF for core and leg strength. The plan is coming together.

    Thank you for supporting me. I really do appreciate it. And if you see me online, in print, on TV (who knows) and on Social Media, please share and nudge your friends.

    Thanks again, Andy Kerr.

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  • Wind, Running and Trees

      16 September 2021
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    I know what you have been thinking, “Where is that annoying English Kiwi who is running and raising money for NZ families of epileptic children?”

    Well I am still here and still training and still raising money. And here is my update…

    Last weekend was one of wind, running and trees. We had a storm and strong winds on Friday that brought down trees, ironically while I was on a call about NZ Pine blocks. On Saturday I ran 13.5kms, I had to be collected by Mrs Kerr after my calves got a bit tight, oh ok then rescued! But the work was done.

    About an hour after getting back it was into the trees. Tractor? Check! Chainsaws? Check! Lifting skills? Check! Let’s call it active recovery. That evening I ate my own weight in Pizza and then on Sunday… No dawn chorus, just a chainsaw kicking in at 830am! Our extremely helpful neighbour was into it, so quickly up and dressed and more active recovery.

    A thoroughly active and muscle testing weekend.

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  • Level 2 and Running training

      7 September 2021

    Well we are almost back to Normal, normal with change, so Delta Normal or Normal Delta - who knows...? I am well into my running plan. I am using the plan from Mental Health This has worked well for me, and I have supplemented the running with CrossFit or Kettlebell workouts. The plan finishes 3 weeks early for me so I will be repeating the last couple of run weeks before tapering. Aiming to run a 19km before I do the actual half. And no going back now I am registered!! We are on!! If you feel like a Sunday morning out on 7th November to shout the following "Happy Birthday Andrew - now get a move on!!" Feel free to turn up. I shall publish the route so you will know where to stand. Cheers, Andy.

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  • Training and safety with Hi Viz shoes

      30 August 2021
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    Training got well under way in the past week. Lockdown has helped as there are fewer cars on the road and it is easier to avoid the cars in the 100km zones. While I will be posting updates here, you can follow me on Twitter too @fromengland

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