Help Jackie secure her future with a start to a home.we would like this cause for a family holiday
Jacke was born with a rare liver disorder 03/03-04 while waiting for transplant she suffered a massive brain heamrage which left her blind in 1 eye and the mental age if a 6 yr old for the rest of her life she was transplanted in 2005 with a hep B liver ALL DUE TO MEDICAL ERROR .We just want a future for her when we are no longer here that she will never be homeless her beautiful sisters will care for her in the event that we are not here so please help Jackie have a life this money would go towards buying jackie a home the donations will go into her trust fund which we established 2 yrs ago for her when i was diagnoised with pancreas disease and having crohns disease since i was 15 yrs old .Jackie and the family have been on lock down for 9months due to the measels epidemic would love to take the family on holiday to relax and recoup
I am Susan Meads, Jackie's Mother
Funds will go into Jackie's trust fund.
In our forever home 2 June 2021
With much love and struggling we are in our forever home Jackie has had a massive set back with going blind but you can't keep an awesome child down we will survive we are now trying to raise funds for memory making before she has permanently lost her site to all that gave I thank you from the bottom of my heart fight the good fight #teamjackieforever
Thank you so much Donna please stay safe xoxo
Shine on and thank you so much
Love you too my Kristina
Thank you so much xoxo iin this time of uncertainty kia kaha
Thank tou so much shine on