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Bo Jowdens Journey to Success

$2,315 donated
Given by 39 generous donors in around 6 months

Help Jo to loose her excess skin


Jo is a 30 year old single Mum of Ashar a 5 year old nonverbal Autistic boy. Jo has had many scarey moments over the last five years with Ashar in and out of hospital and to comfort her was food. Jo reached 174kg and realized her own life was now in jeopardy and it was time to get healthy and fit to be there for her son. So in March this year she started her Journey, with the support of her friends and community Jo has lost a whooping 85kg through diet and exercise but the problem is now she has excess skin that needs removing which the public health system does not cover.

Shona Bowden's involvement (page creator)

I am Jo's proud Mum and have watched her grow into the most amazing and inspirational woman she is today. It was suggested to me by many that I should create this page for her to help her on her Journey.

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Thank you   30 March 2017

I'd just like to personally thank everyone for your donations I'm blown away at how much was raised to help me on my journey. Your support has been overwelming from people forfeiting hair cuts to people being inspired by what I'm doing. Next step is a consult with a surgeon to find out the total cost of my excess skin on the 26th of April then the next goal is to become a personal trainer. Once again thank you so much for your support and donations the journey won't be stopping here x

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Rochell on 29 Mar 2017
Great work. I am at the start of this journey so thank you for sharing
Coral on 15 Mar 2017
adeenapaaske on 09 Feb 2017
It is not the weight u have lost, although that is amazing, that has impressed me. It is your thorough determination to better yourself in every way for yourself and your family. For that you will always be an inspiration to me Jo. Love you guys so much.
Jan & Len Mann
Jan & Len Mann on 08 Feb 2017
Geoff, Gill & Jared
Geoff, Gill & Jared on 07 Feb 2017
Lot of hard work with awesome results, a true example to all what can be done with the right mind set

Who's involved?

Shona Bowden's avatar
Created by Shona Bowden
Jo Bowden's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Jo Bowden on behalf of Jo Bowden
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This campaign started on 22 Dec 2016 and ended on 30 Jun 2017.