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Kate Diprose

$19,765 donated
Given by 164 generous donors in 3 years

We are raising funds to support Kate throughout her illness.


Kate was initially diagnosed with A.L.L ( Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia ) when she was 3 . Kate underwent 2 1/2 years of treatment to overcome this. Kate is nearly 7 , and has just been diagnosed with a relapse of A.L.L . Her treatment is expected to be extensive and will take another 2-3 years .

We are raising funds to support Kate throughout her illness , be it buying a wheelchair through to paying a relief milker so we are with her. Kate's needs will range throughout this time & will vary from a wig & hats or educational aids , through to practical needs such as running costs. Thankyou !

Jackie Diprose's involvement (page creator)

We are Kate's parents , and realise that we will need some help throughout this journey .

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Kate's Second Relapse  31 January 2018

Kate completed her second round of treatment In November last year , but unfortunately she has relapsed again and is now requiring a Bone Marrow Transplant .

Kate will be at Starship Children's hospital in Auckland for the next 6- 9 months for treatment .

We aim to be with her as much as possible , so any funds raised will go to supporting Kate and covering running costs such as relief farm staff , fuel and any personal items she may need .

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Latest donations

Seki on 27 Aug 2018
Rupert Bain
Rupert Bain on 30 Apr 2018
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 03 Apr 2018
Beautiful brave family 💕
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 19 Mar 2018
Liz Exton
Liz Exton on 13 Mar 2018
Love & prayers for the next few days xxoo

Who's involved?

Jackie Diprose's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Jackie Diprose
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This campaign started on 3 May 2015 and ended on 20 Oct 2018.