Help Korey Study at Harvard

$3,947 of $230,000 goal
Given by 33 generous donors in around 4 months

Admitted to Harvard, I am now looking to raise funds to help cover the significant costs I need to pay


Kia ora,

After spending 1000s of hours putting together an application and waiting a nerve racking 3.5 months for a decision, I have been admitted to the Harvard Kennedy School Master in Public Policy programme!

Studying at Harvard will teach me the skills I need to transition into a public service career. Afterwards, I hope to focus my work on two issues that I am passionate about:

1) Māori economic development

2) Diversification of NZ's economy

In particular, I want to help eliminate intergenerational poverty which afflicts many Māori communities through the sustainable investment of iwi assets. Also, I hope to help develop new growth industries in New Zealand.

The 2 year progamme will cost approximately NZD $230,000. Currently I have $0 in scholarships available to assist me in paying for this. Therefore, I face the prospect of a massive student loan. This will stay with me for many years after I have finished studying, limiting my immediate career opportunities and the difference I can make.

All donations will help me, a West Auckland local of Māori descent, to fulfill a dream of studying public policy at one of the world's most prestigious universities.

Thank you for your time and I appreciate any donation you are able to make!


NB: donations from non-NZ bank accounts need to be done via credit card :)

Use of funds

All funds raised will be used to pay for:

- tuition costs and university fees

- accommodation costs

- books and supplies

- mandatory health insurance

Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 25 May 2017
Good luck mate
Korey Te Hira

Thank you whoever you are!

Korey Te Hira
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 11 May 2017
Korey Te Hira

Thank you!

Korey Te Hira
Kevin M
Kevin M on 05 May 2017
Good luck with your ultimate goal to support Maori development. Kia Kaha.
Sophie on 02 May 2017
I hope you get there, Kozza! All the best :)
Tiff on 30 Apr 2017

Who's involved?

Korey Te Hira's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Korey Te Hira
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This campaign started on 30 Mar 2017 and ended on 31 Jul 2017.