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Melissa Jones YWAM

  • Week 6

      1 March 2017

    Hey guys, I am having an amazing time. It has been a very challenging week but God is really revealing so much to me. I am still in need of the rest of my lecture phase fees so it would be sweet if you could pray into that, and would be awesome if you could help support me by giving. I am still in need of another $2000 as I have a lot of other stuff such as vaccinations for outreach to cover too. Hopefully I will be able to fund enough to cover my entire DTS so I can start funding for outreach!!!

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  • Hi From YWAM ZION

      2 February 2017

    Hey guys I am finally in Zion and it is amazing!!

    We will find out where our outreaches are so I will keep you posted. I am still in need of $1600 to cover the rest of my lecture phase. And $3500-5000 depending on my outreach location. I will let you know when I fond out. I am itching to find out too!! I have a few paces that the Lord has put on my heart. If you are interested in following me I will also put a link up below

    Please keep praying for me

    God bless

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  • Thank you all. 5 days till my DTS starts

      16 January 2017

    I am so thankful for the generosity on this page so far. Thank you to everyone who has given so far. Its less than a week now and I am trying to get up to $2000 so I will have all the course fees paid off and can focus on lectures and fundraising for outreach which will be in 3 months.

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