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  • Winter

      2 September 2017
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    We had managed to keep clear this winter from all of the horrible cold, flus and virus's going around until last week. Don't get me wrong, we have had a little snuffle here and there but nothing like what Milla ended up with last week. Her saturations levels are already low with her heart condition but throw a virus in with that and we ended up in hospital for 4 days with Milla on oxygen. Not a fun time for her but still, she battled on through like the trooper she is. We are home now and have just received the dreaded call of the operation date for her next open heart surgery. Beginning of October is when it is all going to happen. So let's get you healthy again little one, so you can be strong and give it your all on the big day. 😘

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  • Fundraiser and Milla's next move

      13 August 2017
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    Wowwweeee! Well the fundraiser went off with a BANG! What a night. I cannot believe how amazing this community is. Myself and my family were so overwhelmed with all the love and effort everyone put in to helping out my darling girl. To everyone that gave up their time to help set up, DJ, MC, faceprint, work on the door, work on the bar, cook, clean, dance, party, donate, and just to come along I want to say a big thank you. Also, to all the VERY generous friends who donated prizes for the raffle and auction, I can't thank you enough for such a kind hearted gift.

    Milla is awaiting her Heart and Brain MRI and then a date will be made for her next big Open Heart Surgery. I will keep you all in the loop.

    Thanks again for everyones support. We couldn't get through this without all of you.

    Lots of love

    Milla, Chonnie, Harry, Lenny and Pipi. xx

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  • My little trooper

      7 July 2017
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    Hi everyone. I just want to take this chance to say a HUGE thank you to everyone that has donated to my little trooper. She is doing really well at the moment. We are nearly at her goal weight of 8kg. This is where the cardiac team want to get her so she is stronger for her next big open heart surgery. We have been aiming towards August or September for this to happen. I can t believe how far she has come since she was born. She is such a fighter with lots of love this give!

    Some wonderful friends have organised a little fundraising night for her which will be a bit of fun. I just can't believe how kind people are. From people who have donated, delivered meals, picked up the phone to check in, text, pop over for a cuppa, offer to help with the boys and even just spared a quick thought and pray for us, we truely am so very grateful and blessed. Lots of love to you all and I will keep you updated with our next steps. Xxx

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