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Help Diesel

  • Update Friday/Sat

      4 February 2017

    We drove from Whangarei to Auckland for Diesel to be seen by the Vet Specialist and have his ultrasound. It was found that he has kebab stick in his stomach, piercing his stomach. We decided to have the surgery back at our vet in Waipu - YourVet - as the price was crazy in auckland. He was given IV antibiotics in akld to help any infections. It was a quick drive back north to the vet who was ready and waiting.

    The vet called Friday night to advise the surgery was over and diesel was resting. They found an 11cm kebab stick was the cause of all his pain.

    Saturday Morning - The vet has called again and diesel is doing good but still not eating so he will stay again today/tonight and will see how he is sunday to see if he can come home.

    Vet Bill so far is near the $5000 mark.

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