Help Natasha and her Family

$9,569 donated
Given by 201 generous donors in around 8 months

Natasha is a 33 year old mother of 3 who is battling Terminal Bowel Cancer.


My name is Natasha Woolfe I am 33 years old and have terminal bowel cancer that has spread to my pelvis and liver which is inoperable.

My daughter Jorja is 13 years old and was diagnosed one month before me with a very rare bone disease called Chronic Recurrent Multifocal Osteomyelitis (CRMO).

I have a loving partner Chris and two beautiful boys Jayden 9 years old and Josh 6 Years old.

In August 2015 my GP referred me for a Colonoscopy where they found a 4cm tumour in my bowel after many more weeks of tests the doctor found it had progressed "metastasised" to my liver and pelvis so there is no hope for radiation or surgery at this point. I have started chemotherapy in hopes that it may help prolong my life.

We have set up this fundraising page for the family to help them enjoy the precious time they have left with their mother and also help fund the cost of vitamin C infusions and alternative treatments that are not funded.

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Latest update

THANK YOU!!!!!  14 December 2015

I would like to say a huge great big thank you to all my friends / family / and all annoymous people that have made donations on this give a little page, it has definately helped my family and I fund the alternative treatments that have definitely been well worth it.

I have had 3 rounds of chemotherapy and then had a ct scan that showed the tumor was shrinking and the 13 spots on my liver were also getting smaller.They go by a cea marker which shows what the tumor is up to at the highest point it was 300+ and now it has dropped to 14 which is still high but shows the chemo is doing its job for now.

I will continue to have another 3 rounds of chemotherapy and then have another scan to see whats happening then. So a great christmas for my family and I Thanks Thanks Thanks !!!!!!!

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 28 Jun 2016
Good bless
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 27 Jun 2016
Beka on 22 Jun 2016
All my love and best wishes xo
Karen on 26 May 2016
Keep up with the Vit C...and crossing everything that it can work a miracle for you. wishing you and your family the best of luck. Karen
Lily on 03 May 2016
Best wishes to you and your lovely family Natasha. I am a friend of Kelly and Louise.... Thinking of you all. Love - Lily

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Natasha Woolfe's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Natasha Woolfe
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This campaign started on 29 Oct 2015 and ended on 30 Jun 2016.