Help Peter beat cancer

$1,660 donated
Given by 36 generous donors in 9 weeks

Peter needs your help to fund his cancer treatment as it is not funded and he is no longer able to finance it.


Peter Archer was diagnosed with lung cancer in September 2016, however, because of other pre-existing health problems he is unable to be given the usual medical cancer treatments.

Peter is a postgraduate student at Massey University. For his master’s degree, he has been doing some ground-breaking research into natural cancer recovery. In his thesis, he reveals the stories of numerous cancer patients who the mainstream health system simply gave up on. But these patients beat the odds when they turned to natural healing methods, such as high dose vitamin C and major changes to diet. He is using the knowledge he gained from his studies to treat himself, with promising results so far.

However, as his treatment is not subsidised by the medical system, he has run short of money and is unable to finance the required remedies that were showing such promise.

By donating to this appeal, you will be not only helping save Peter’s life, you will be helping to fund an ongoing research project, that could help many more cancer patients in the future, as the knowledge gained by him in this will be shared with others, which will include being published in his master’s thesis and in a book.

Peter has also started a facebook page in which he is documenting his progress and research. The page can be found here:

Sascha Stoddart's involvement (page creator)

Peter is a good friend of mine whom I met through our studies at Massey University. I just want him to get well again. Please help him.

Latest update

Thank You  5 November 2016

A big thank you to all those who have donated to Peter's appeal thus far. We very much appreciate all your support and kind words of encouragement :-)

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 22 Nov 2016
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 22 Nov 2016
All the best to you Peter
Petra on 09 Nov 2016
You are fully supported by The Universe.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 07 Nov 2016
Wishing you all the best with your treatment
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 06 Nov 2016
best of luck, stay positive

Who's involved?

Peter Archer's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Peter Archer
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This campaign started on 24 Oct 2016 and ended on 31 Dec 2016.