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Help with Henry's fight against Cancer

  • Update on dad

      26 August 2024
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    Dad is doing well, his kidneys are still sitting at the same reading so not better but thankfully not worse which is positive 😊 Dad has a good outlook on how things are going and says everyday that the new chemo is working speaking it into existence which is awesome he’s not letting this keep him down he gets up everyday ready to cease the day so proud of him and the fight he puts up against the cancer. Keep praying for Henry and again thank you all for your donations and well wishes x

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  • Bad news to worse 😭

      15 August 2024

    I know I only just gave an update a few days ago but dad ended up in hospital on Monday night and he was given some sad news, his kidneys are starting to shutdown 😭 we have been told to make sure dad lives everyday to the fullest and to tick off his bucket list asap because he doesn’t have much time left with us the number they have given is 2 weeks but we are hoping and praying for more time and that the new chemo he has started will work quickly becuase 2weeks just isn’t enough. He’s decided to head to Rotorua with all his grandchildren tomorrow which he’s excited about. This news has broken our family but we are doing everything we can to make the best of whatever time he has please keep him in your thoughts and prayers x

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  • Many thanks

      12 August 2024

    Just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has donated so far and all the loving comments, dad appreciates it. He has been sick with a cold the past week and seeing the amount of support and love on here has given him a little morale boost so thank you all

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