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Heritage Lifecare Staff/Whānau Cyclone Gabrielle Support

$2,190 donated
Given by 35 generous donors in 14 days

To support my colleagues that have been affected by Cyclone Gabrielle.


You asked how you could help...

As a Heritage Lifecare team we want to help our people and their whānau. Many people have reached out wanting to support in any way that works for those affected by Cyclone Gabrielle.

Many will not be insured – some may be to an extent, but it is unlikely to cover losses even if they have insurance.

Reports to date include people completely displaced with their former home having been obliterated from the landscape through to people having lost hundreds of dollars’ worth of food from their freezers due to power loss. Information is trickling through and we will keep records to aim to target those most in need.

We will aim to support with targeted donations of physical goods once our people have found accommodation to move in to but currently that is not practical to deliver these types of items and store appropriately.

If you would like to contribute we guarantee that all proceeds will go to our Heritage people and their families. If you can help in this way we welcome it.

Thanks so much!

*****Please find our new Givealittle page here We did not know we could extend this page when its closed on March 6th so have created a new one. The use of funds are the same: Help Heritage Lifecare team members and their whānau effected by the cyclone. *****

Ellie Lockhart's involvement (page creator)

My work Whānau

Use of funds

To help replace the basics of their lives that have been lost in the cyclone.

Latest update

Heritage Lifecare Fundraising Appeal Update  9 March 2023

Thank you to everyone who donated to this appeal. It is ongoing with a new page created (we didn't know we could extend this page when it closed so we created the new one) But for those who donated on this page, we couldn't let it close without thanking you. To date we have raised almost $2,200 with Heritage matching dollar for dollar up to $10,000. You are appreciated. Thank you. Nga Mihi, Ellie

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 02 Mar 2023
Ellie Lockhart

thank you for your support - we appreciate you :)

Ellie Lockhart
Shaoping on 01 Mar 2023
Thinking of you all.
Ellie Lockhart

Thank you so much for your support. It is really appreciated :)

Ellie Lockhart
Jess on 01 Mar 2023
Thinking of you all
Ellie Lockhart

Thank you for supporting this page Jess. you are appreciated :)

Ellie Lockhart
Minoo on 28 Feb 2023
Ellie Lockhart

Thanks so much for your support Minoo :)

Ellie Lockhart
Jo Powell
Jo Powell on 27 Feb 2023
My thoughts are with you all.
Ellie Lockhart

Thank you Jo! Our hearts are with these affected people, beautiful to see our Heritage community standing together in person and spirit!

Ellie Lockhart

Who's involved?

Ellie Lockhart's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Ellie Lockhart on behalf of Heritage Lifecare Staff affected by Cyclone Gabrielle
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This campaign started on 20 Feb 2023 and ended on 6 Mar 2023.