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Hiwa-i-te-rangi - Miss Rzepecky

$1,670 donated
Given by 15 generous donors in around 4 months

Raising funds for our multi-purpose Shed - storage for sports equipment and play n learn equipment.

Onehunga, Auckland

Children will run 3 or 4 times a week to build up their running kilometers. The goal is to run 40 km in the next 10 weeks. Children will run the final 2km at our Fun Run event.

This will be a bit like a double garage with one part for Health and Physical Education equipment and the other part of Outdoor learning / Loose Parts play and construction equipment.

Our current PE shed is very old, leaky, dark and hard to access. The children and staff can not easily get to the equipment they need for learning and break times…

This makes them less likely to use it. We want a space where equipment is stored in a way which makes it easy to get to and use and which looks after it so it lasts longer. We also need a space for quick repairs and maintenance of equipment - like blowing up balls.

We would also like to develop opportunities for ‘loose parts play’ and construction equipment. We know our ākonga love being creative and building huts and being creative with what they find around our school. Having a space where we can store equipment makes it easy to get to and keeps everything and everyone safe when it is not being used. We are also very keen to develop a space where children can build and make things as part of their learning.

About us

Onehunga Primary was established in 1873 and continues to play an integral part in the Onehunga community.

Our children represent about 25 ethnicities and they bring a richness of diversity to our school.

Use of funds

Raising funds for our multi-purpose Shed - storage for sports equipment and play n learn equipment.

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 27 Oct 2023
Loleine & Tala Finau
Loleine & Tala Finau on 26 Oct 2023
Go girl! You got this Maryanne ❤️
Sez and Johnny
Sez and Johnny on 24 Oct 2023
Go Louis!
Sharma & Papa
Sharma & Papa on 23 Oct 2023
Lulu the Baker - we know you are going to fly through the course with a big smile - having loads of fun with your friends! Enjoy and don’t forget to give it your best xx
Mum & Dad
Mum & Dad on 23 Oct 2023
Go Lulu go!!! Have fun Hiwa-i-te-rangi

Who's involved?

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Onehunga Primary School (School)
Registered School
A registered school has legal recognition which comes with reporting and review requirements.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 25 Jul 2023 and ended on 30 Nov 2023.