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Homeless and in desperate need of help

$9,735 donated
Given by 57 generous donors in 21 days

We have lost everything in the Auckland flood


We are a family of three who wouldn't ordinarily bring ourselves to set up such a page nor request however we were severely affected by the flooding in Auckland - loosing everything inside the house and leaving with just the clothes on our backs (literally). We have lost absolutely everything along with the car and ute. We are homeless and in desperate need of people's generosity. We are currently staying with my sister but will need to find another home along with clothes, furniture etc. Anything you can spare would be greatly appreciated - even if it is furniture that could be of use. We do have contents insurance but this will not cover everything we have lost and costs.

Use of funds

Financially setting up a new rental home along with all the contents that is necessary.

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Latest donations

Janet on 14 Feb 2023
Dallas on 09 Feb 2023
hope this helps in some small way x
April on 04 Feb 2023
Kelly Bates

Thank you so much April for your generous donation. We really appreciate it. This will come in handy when we move into our new rental

Kelly Bates
Mevuni on 03 Feb 2023
It's not heaps but I hope it helps! Glad to hear you and your Whanau are safe <3
Kelly Bates

Thank you so much Mev for your generous donation. We will definitely put it to good use. That is extremely kind of you.

Kelly Bates
Jackson Strickland
Jackson Strickland on 03 Feb 2023
Kelly Bates

Thank you so much my little Jackson. That is very kind of you and extremely generous. Rest assured that I will be putting it to good use when I replace all my stuff. Aunty loves you so much xxx

Kelly Bates

Who's involved?

Kelly Bates's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Kelly Bates
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This campaign started on 30 Jan 2023 and ended on 20 Feb 2023.