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House lost in landslide

  • Update on Teressa and Luke's Situation

      7 February 2023

    Larissa here (Teressa's sister).

    I'm wanting to post an update on Teressa and Luke's situation to all those in the BOP, wider NZ and even from overseas who have shown an interest, reached out or have donated to this give-a-little fund.

    This give-a-little page was set up the day after the accident by myself. Not really knowing fully what to expect, but knowing they were likely going to need more support than our direct family could offer, both in the short and long term.

    At the time i did know there were a few lost items (including one of their vehicles) which was newly purchased which had not yet been insured, but mostly after seeing the catastrophic damage to their home and the displacement, I was thinking there may possibly be long term effects on them and the kids.

    Arriving that night, and back visiting the property the next day, seeing the state of the house and hearing their story of escaping that night was beyond unreal. We are so extremely grateful no one was injured.

    There has been a bit of public scrutiny around these pages and how they are used in relation to insurance providers. As of today their house and contents insurance cover has been declined due to a technicality in changing providers shortly before the accident, which they are now needing to pursue legal action on. I am fully aware give-a-little pages are not a back up to an insurance policy, so we are not asking for any financial donations to replace what house insurance would of. This will be their own journey and they have family support. But also in hindsight, i'm extremely glad i did set this page up when i did and that it will make some difference.

    In the days following the incident the family pets were unaccounted for. I'm glad to report both cats have been found and returned by neighbors and are setting into their new temporary home.

    All the kids are doing well, besides from some initial nightmare's in the days following the event, but these are subsiding. Mostly the family is in good spirits!

    My main message today, that i feel is important to communicate, is how amazing its been to be on the receiving end of such amazing community support.

    In the days following the incident the amount of friends, family, friends of friends, but mostly complete strangers who have left comments, offered donations or practical support, dropped off food, second hand clothing, shown up to our parents house (where Teressa, Luke and the 5 kids are staying) or offered well wishes has been so mind blowing!

    To all of you, its truly been heartwarming, extremely humbling and quite emotional at times seeing the names, businesses, amount of people, but mostly the amount of anonymous people, who have wanted to help.

    I'm yet to share the full print out of names from donations with Teressa and Luke as they are still so busy with all sorts of admin and arrangements to get life back on track. We recognise some as they have come through, and want thank people personally when we come up for air. But for those who donated anonymously, who we may never get to thank, id like to thank you now.

    The silver lining that has come out of this is feeling the love of just how amazing people can be, and the incredible amount of support we have felt from the community.

    Teressa and Luke also want to send a huge thank you to their neighbours, who found and helped the kids out of the house that night and for their support in the days afterwards.

    From my family to yours, lots of love, thank you all so very very much!!

    The Hodgson and Hannan Family.

      3 comments  |  Login to leave a comment
    • 08/02/2023 by Felicia

      Hi there

      What age is the daughter? And what size is the muma? I have some quality clothes and shoes I’d like to support them with. I’ll do a donation also. Praying the insurance technicality is resolved in favour and praising that lives where spared, what a miracle and praying for no post traumatic stress to take hold… which would be another miracle to be fair!!

    • 08/02/2023 by Larissa Hodgson

      Hi Felicia

      Thanks for that do you want to give me a text, 0277752224

    • 10/02/2023 by Sharon

      Hi Larissa, Teressa, Luke and family.

      Beautiful letter, Larissa, and I feel privileged to help a little with the terrible circumstances you’ve found yourselves in. Having a loving family around at times like these is such a blessing and you’ve done an amazing job as a sister. Good on you!

      I’m retired now, and wait with a little foreboding as the next cyclone ‘appears on the horizon”.

      In addition the appalling situation in Turkey and Syria is very hard to bear witness to. So we need to be lights in the darkness for each other, to the best of our ability. This you and your parents have done so well. Go well, and I hope for the best for your family through potentially trying days ahead.

      Warm regards
