Houseboat Fighting for Rights on a Lake

$215 donated
Given by 8 generous donors in one year

Fighting council to honour their consent of houseboat.

Alexandra, Otago

I have a consent from the appropriate council to put a houseboat on Lake Dunstan. The day before I was due to transport it, the council put a court injuction on me so I couldn't put it on the lake.

I am now engaging lawyers to take the council to court and need funds to fight for my right to procede with my plans, which they permitted and now have reneged on.

I would greatly appreciate any donation so I can have my day in court.

Use of funds

Dontations will be spent on lagal battles to pay the lawyer and court fees.

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help me out and its been so so had to get this on the lake   6 May 2023

i have head content to do this. and they that linz nz and the alex council gave me connsent talk 4 years to get it and then they stop it after all the money and tie to get the consent .and building the houseboat so i love the support the rights of the community thnks for you support

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S on 04 Nov 2022
Go hard mate
Ian Horsham

thank you so much

Ian Horsham
Ana on 24 Aug 2022
Go for it Ian
Ian Horsham

thank you so for this

Ian Horsham
Nic on 24 Jul 2022
You got this!!!!
Ian Horsham

thank you

Ian Horsham
just on 13 Jul 2022
best wishes
Ian Horsham

thank you

Ian Horsham
Geraldine on 04 May 2022
Fight the pricks! We all behind you mate 👍
Ian Horsham

Thanks you for this a

Ian Horsham

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Ian Horsham
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This campaign started on 3 May 2022 and ended on 3 May 2023.