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Houston's battle with Leukaemia

  • Houston's last week of chemo!

      30 April 2024
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    Our little champ has made it to his last week of chemotherapy!

    Contemplating that Houston getting to this point has been huge for Dean, Livie and our families and we would like to thank everyone who has shown and continues to express their support.

    Huey will complete this last week of chemotherapy treatment and if his following tests go well he will be able to have a small operation to remove his chest port and NG feeding tube.

    The family can now look to better and brighter future, planning some much needed quality family time and transitioning Huey back into normal life.

    You made it little man - we are so proud!!

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    • 30/04/2024 by Kisione

      Well done yuu're nearly there Huey, much love to you and aiga, god bless

  • Happy Easter!

      1 April 2024
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    As Houston enters his last 6 weeks of chemotherapy, he got to spend Easter at Whangamata with the family. His most recent bone marrow results were negative meaning he is in remission which is the most wonderful news! After his chemotherapy treatment is complete the family will start preparing for their transition into life after leukaemia and helping Houston to slowly transition back into normal life. He will continue to have regular testing and follow-up once he chemotherapy finishes to ensure he remains well and in remission. Again our family would like to express our gratitude for the ongoing support.

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  • 2024 update for Houston

      16 February 2024
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    Huey has continued his regular outpatient chemotherapy cycles as we entered the New Year. A small window in between treatments allowed Dean and Livie to take Houston to Whangamata for a weekend where the family enjoyed a much needed break and some sunshine.

    We are still waiting on Houston's most recent bone marrow results that will give his medical team an indication on how he is responding to his chemotherapy and will guide is ongoing treatment plan. We are all hoping this is a good result and that Houston continues strong on his journey to beating APML.

    The ongoing support for Huey continues to been incredibly invaluable and our family is very thankful to everyone who has shown their support.

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  • Let’s keep supporting Huey!

      10 December 2023
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    As Christmas approaches Houston continues to show such strength on his journey to beat leukaemia! Outpatient chemotherapy has now become his daily routine and Dean, Livie and Huey have adjusted really well to this new ‘normal’. The family continues to be incredibly grateful for the ongoing support and we would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

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  • Houston has a positive response!

      20 October 2023
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    After his recent two week 'heavy' chemotherapy cycle Houston's bone marrow result showed that he had a positive response to treatment - the result we had all been hoping for!

    This meant Huey could have a two week break from chemotherapy and begun his transition home which has been a big step for Huey, Liv and Dean after spending the last 7 weeks in hospital. Next Tuesday Houston will transition to receiving daily outpatient chemotherapy where he will be in the hospital every day for treatment and then return home in the evening.

    He will be receiving chemotherapy cycles for at least the next 6 months and it will a journey that will have it challenges, but for now the family is enjoying the time with Houston at home before he starts his next cycle on Tuesday!

    Our little guy continues to demonstrate immense strength and that cheeky smiles still shines through :)

    Thank you to everyone for the continued support, we are all incredibly grateful. Jess

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  • Supporting Houston

      20 September 2023

    Our families appreciate all of the ongoing support for Houston!

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  • Houston gets a hair cut

      18 September 2023
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    As Houston entered week 4 of chemotherapy he had started to loose his hair so our brave little guy got a hair cut.

    In support of Huey his Dad Dean, Uncle Ben and Poppa also shaved their heads. Despite loosing his lushish black hair Huey continues to be brave and his sneaky smile shines through.

    Again our families would like to thank everyone for the overwhelming support that has been received, we appreciate all of the kindness. Jess

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  • Houston's Beads of Courage

      7 September 2023
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    On behalf of Dean, Livie, Houston and our families I would like to thank everyone for the overwhelming support, kind messages and donations received for Houston's Give A Little Fund.

    Huey has started to receive his Beads of Courage from the Cancer Foundation and continues to be brave in his battle against APML.

    It is uplifting at such a difficult time to be surrounded by such caring friends, family and strangers, thank you all again for your support. Jess

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  • For our little fighter!

      29 August 2023

    We're going to attempt to raise as much as possible to allow Liv & Dean the ability to focus on Houston.

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