How can we help Johnny (Irish)

$2,000 donated
Given by 24 generous donors in 4 weeks

financial help for John who is fighting cancer


2019 has turned out to be the worst year.

John was rushed to hospital with a stomach bleed, ended up in ICU in drug induced coma, doctors had trouble finding and stopping the bleed, they thought he wasnt going to make it. John fought hard and got through that, however they did a lot of tests on him at the time.

He now has the diagnoses of lymphoma (cancer of lymph nodes) which involves chemotherapy followed by radiation treatment.

I am having to take so much time off work every week for hospital appointments, chemo appointments plus looking after John on the down days.

This has left us struggling financially hence why we have set up this page asking for help. Everyday is a struggle. So friends far and wide we need assistance to help get us through this tough time.

Diana Johnson's involvement (page creator)

My partner

Use of funds

any money raised will go to help with cost of living, rent, food, bills etc

Latest donations

Mike on 19 Sep 2019
Best wishes JohnO for your recovery from Mike and Tricia
Lynda on 16 Sep 2019
Best wishes John From Lynda & teddy Campbell
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 15 Sep 2019
elizabeth on 14 Sep 2019
Hi Johnny,get well soon from one Laoise person to another,regards,Liz
Laura on 13 Sep 2019
Only something small but wishing you a speedy recovery. From one Laois person to another here in NZ x

Who's involved?

Diana Johnson's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Diana Johnson on behalf of John Lawless
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This campaign started on 1 Sep 2019 and ended on 30 Sep 2019.