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NZ Southern Rivers Society Incorporated Target Now $60,000.00

on 14 Apr 2020

Mr asks

Theres not much transperancy on what the purpose of the funds are for.

why not be open and honest with potential donors and inform them that the majority will be used to pay councils court costs as youve been informed numerous times you have no case and no legal leg to stand on. pointless exercise and waste of time and money for all.

You would be better to fundraise and maybe go through the right chanels and get your guiding fully consented. I hope you have to front up and get mr joostens to sign off affected party or even better public notified consent :-)

This question has not been answered yet.

on 5 Jan 2020

Ray asks

Hello Don

just reading the questions asked to date , so far my understanding is that the society has no problem with fishing guides operating illegally?

The society has a fishing guide with no resource consent on the board ?

What will the society’s stance be when fishing guides apply for a resource consent ?

Given some guides offer services such as 4x4 , helicopter , jet boat and rafting trips , surely that is in direct conflict with the society’s core values ? .

Regards Ray.

NZ Southern Rivers Society Incorporated

We have had expert opinion that, CW, Craig, Ray and Philip Joosten are one and the same person. We are seeking further advice on this.

Don Wallace

(NZ Southern Rivers Society Incorporated)

NZ Southern Rivers Society Incorporated
on 3 Jan 2020

Craig asks

Thank you for your response.

So why call your society Nz southern rivers when your really only representing fisherman ?

I would have thought wading fisherman would damage the riverbanks , riverbeds and biota more than floating rafts ?.

you have not highlighted any meaningful issues such as pollution or water quality .

personally I think your cause is misguided , surely there’s room on both rivers for Rafting and Fishing .

Can you confirm Don that fishing from rafts on the Oreti River is another permitted activity ?.

I am also a avid angler who has held a fishing & Game Bird licence for 30 years .

Regards Craig

NZ Southern Rivers Society Incorporated

Thankyou Craig for your thoughts.

As this matter is before the courts we are unable to comment further.


NZ Southern Rivers Society Incorporated
on 28 Dec 2019

Craig asks

Hello , Following with interest after reading an article in the Southland Times it would be helpful to know what are the core values the NZ Southern Rivers Society Incorporated have or a list of what the society represents would be helpful ? .

Amenity loss & spooked Trout are 2 ?.

Does the Society represent any Commercial Fishing Guides at all ?.

What environmental damage will the rafting activity cause , given it is already a permitted activity ?.

I care deeply about our waterways and personally thought education through participation is key however if that is incorrect I an happy to donate .

Thank you for taking the time to read my questions.

Regards CW.

NZ Southern Rivers Society Incorporated

Hi Craig W.

I've included a couple of responses from members of, "NZ Southern Rivers Society Incorporated " Board.

They both make relevant points to help you and other donors understand the Societies position on the process of consents as it affects anglers.

1) Our core value is to ensure that all Consent Applications to do with NZ southern rivers are publicly notified.

Amenity loss and spooked trout are indeed problems not addressed during the non-consent procedure.

The society does not represent commercial fishing guides or their businesses or any other commercial activity for that matter. However any fishing guide may be a contributor or a member of the society. There is one guide on the societies board out of a total board of eight members. The Board is made up of concerned individuals, many of whom are retired.

The Society is not and has never been against non-commercial rafting. This is something that has happened on the river for many years either for pleasure or fund raising. Non-commercial rafting does not need a permit. The point the Society is making is that the act of buying a fishing licence from Fish and Game should not take away an anglers right to submit to a consent process. The two district councils [Gore and Southland] don't see it that way after Southland Fish and Game gave their consent to the application for commercial rafting.

2) Core values are: Maintaining the traditions of the NZ angling community, built up over more than a century.

The Society makes no differentiation regarding guides, providing they use our rivers responsibly and adhere to these traditions.

Rafting, though legally permissible at present, is seldom practiced on these shallow rivers, and thus has not been a noticeable problem up to now.

Large commercial rafts on regular frequent schedules will change this picture entirely.

Environmental effects, apart from the damage to shallow riffles and loss of insect larvae ( trout food) are largely unknown - but this is an experiment we would prefer to avoid.

The most obvious and immediate effects are loss of amenity - the recreation of thousands of anglers will be seriously disrupted, for petty commercial gain and the pleasure of a few invasive newcomers.

Evaluation via participation is fine in theory - but not when the participation ruins the show for everybody else.

Don Wallace

(Chairman Nz Southern Rivers Society Incorporated)

NZ Southern Rivers Society Incorporated

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