IVF journey after loss of stillborn Baby Baxter 🫶👼🏻

$6,600 donated
Given by 65 generous donors in 22 days

IVF journey after loss of stillborn Baby Baxter 🫶👼🏻 Back to square one after non viable pregnancy

Hawke's Bay

Britt and Mat started their IVF journey last year resulting in three embryos. The most successful was 4BB. Their baby boy Baxter. Heartbreakingly he was born sleeping.

13th October 2023

Britt’s pregnancy was going perfect until about 35 weeks where she was admitted with stage 2 hypertension (high blood pressure) from there she went downhill and not knowingly, Baxter was too. Britt and Mat trusted their baby boy was in good hands however it has been later discovered there was medical neglect. Baxter should have been born at 36 weeks as he was not getting the nutrients he needed. His growth percentile was rapidly declining but they were reassured everything was “normal” but that wasn’t the case.

It has been confirmed by medical professionals after thorough investigations and autopsy that Baxter would have survived if action was taken earlier. As you can imagine this has been a devastating and catastrophic loss especially as this could have been avoided with the right care

An amazing amount of money was raised last year and Britt and Mat did one round of IVF again recently. Unfortunately this pregnancy was non viable resulting in loss, again. It has been reiterated Baxter was the best quality. The last embryo is non viable too.

Britt and Mat need to do an entire new round of IVF resulting in $16,000 worth of bills. The pain and suffering of losing Bax will never go away. Let’s help finally get their baby they deserve.

Thank you 🫶

Raquel Andrew's involvement (page creator)

A close friend

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Round of IVF

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GIVEALITTLE CLOSING. Thank you so much!   4 June 2024

Hi All,

As this givealittle comes to a close. I would like to thank you all for your kind words and generosity. 3 weeks and 65 incredible donations have come through for Britt and Mat.

They are so incredibly thankful for all the support and tremendous amount of money raised. A total of $6,600 is a HUGE help in their IVF journey in memory of beautiful baby Bax 🦋

Thank you all again!

Raquel, Britt and Mat


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Sarrah on 04 Jun 2024
Raquel Andrew

Thank you Sarrah 🫶

Raquel Andrew
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 03 Jun 2024
Raquel Andrew

Thank you 🫶

Raquel Andrew
Sarah Corbett
Sarah Corbett on 03 Jun 2024
Wishing you all the best. Love the corbetts xxx
Raquel Andrew

Thank you Sarah and all 🫶

Raquel Andrew
Lorien on 03 Jun 2024
Raquel Andrew

Thank you Lorien 🫶

Raquel Andrew
Amanda on 03 Jun 2024
Raquel Andrew

Thank you Amanda 🫶

Raquel Andrew

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Raquel Andrew's avatar
Created by Raquel Andrew
Brittany Meyer's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Brittany Meyer
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This campaign started on 13 May 2024 and ended on 4 Jun 2024.