Jack’s journey

$88,352 of $120,000 goal
Given by 593 generous donors in around 3 months

Helping Jacks journey

Tasman, Tasman District

My Name is Jack Holland I am 17 years old and enjoy the outdoors, hunting & fishing, motorbikes, and spending time with my family & friends. In December 2023 I was diagnosed with stage 2 Lentigo malignant melanoma cancer and after the MRIs , CT, PET scan, ultrasound & surgery’s they have found it to have spread to my lymph nodes and be present in my blood. I have gone through stage 3 and after surgery I am now at stage 4 Advanced Melanoma cancer. The Keytruda : pembrolizumab is now funded for my stage 4 melanoma treatment and although the targeted gene therapies are not funded. The Oncology department have funded the targeted gene treatment for me now that the melanoma is so invasive. With your kind donations it will allow my Family to travel with me and help with accommodation & give me some quality of life. Thank you for your love , support and kind words as well as your generosity and bringing awareness to this awful disease. ❤️ “ALWAYS IN THE FIGHT”

Love from Jack & The Holland Family

Nathan Holland's involvement (page creator)

We are Jack’s parents

Use of funds

Updated on 20/05: Pembrolizumab “Keytruda” & BRAF gene therapy is now funded due to the cancer having advanced to stage 4. Funds will continue to go towards travel, help with accommodation & give me some quality of life.

Travel (we live in Golden Bay along way to anywhere) Accommodation & Treatment (Keytruda pembrolizumab immunotherapy is not funded for stage 3 melanoma sufferers in New Zealand)

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Weekly update (pushing forward)  23 June 2024

Hi Everyone

Last week jack had another temperature , the treatment & plan worked well from home without having to visit hospital. After that wee bump We have had a reasonably good week.

Jack had his routine bloods & ops on Wednesday and they have all came back to the realms of where they need to be which is also good.After his check up he had a chest xray & ultrasound on his entire abdomen.

We had a zoom meeting Friday with the CHOC team & Nelson team to discuss results from the ultrasound & xray. The BRAF gene inhibitors are doing their job, This means they have stopped the melanoma from spreading further. This is still a ‘B’ option in treatment meaning temporary Because no matter what the melanoma does fined a way passed the inhibitors over time. Now jack has stabilised to a point where he is holding some health for now. We are heading to Christchurch to the CHOC team to revisit the Keytruda as an ‘A’ option treatment that actually fights and kills the melanoma cells. He will be admitted to hospital and monitored very closely over the week. We know now from our last visit to Christchurch how wide spread the melanoma has traveled. We are under no illusion, jack is up against things and with the keytruda stands his best chance. The journey will be a long one & together we are standing strong and he not only has a massive medical team behind him but also a massive family,friends & supporters base from far and wide. We are forever grateful “ALWAYS IN THE FIGHT”

❤️ ❤️❤️❤️

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Leigh 12 hours ago
Praying for you all.
Pax and Jo Northover
Pax and Jo Northover on 15 Jun 2024
Nathan Holland

❤️ Thank you so much

Nathan Holland
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 07 Jun 2024
Nathan Holland

❤️ Thank you so much

Nathan Holland
thorin and wyatt
thorin and wyatt on 01 Jun 2024
keep fighting jack from thorin and wyatt and nathe
Nathan Holland

❤️ Thank you so much

Nathan Holland
Kerry and Frazer
Kerry and Frazer on 28 May 2024
Nathan Holland

❤️ Thank you so much

Nathan Holland

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Nathan Holland's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Nathan Holland on behalf of Our son , Jack Holland
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This campaign started on 18 Mar 2024 and ends on 18 Mar 2025.