Jacob needs help

$7,001 of $10,000 goal
Given by 91 generous donors in 5 weeks

Help a young man recover and detox, and give him the best chance to live the fullest life he can.

Waihi, Waikato

Dear Friends and Family,

As some of you will know, we came very close to losing Jacob recently when a complication with his Crohn's disease meant he almost died from internal bleeding.

Jacob is 23yrs old, and until recently his family were unaware that internal bleeding from Crohn's might threaten his life. That all came to an end in late July when Jacob was rushed to hospital with what turned out to be major internal bleeding. Terrifyingly, after four days of treatment, Jacob began to bleed out and become critical, requiring multiple blood transfusions and major surgery to survive.

Thankfully Jacob survived the surgery and his body has responded well. But to give him the best chance of detoxing his blood and healing, he requires speciality treatments that cost between $450-$850 each time. On top of that he needs to begin Ozone therapy which will cost $1500. His family have been told by multiple doctors that these are the best options available.

And as with many Kiwis, his family is not a wealthy one. So for this reason, I have set up this fundraising page to hopefully attract donations to help pay for Jacob's treatments and travel between home in Waihi and Auckland. We anticipate the total will be somewhere between $6K-$10K, so whatever amount you can give will be greatly appreciated.

If you know Jacob, you will know how deserving he is. He's a young man with so much life and vigour and goodness in him, but he needs a little help right now.

Thank you for your kindness.

Alistair Harding's involvement (page creator)

I am a friend of Jacob's family.

Use of funds

All donations will be spent on Jacob's treatments and transport between home in Waihi and his doctors in Auckland.

Funds will be paid to Jacob's mother, Leanne.

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Latest update

Thank you 💕 treatment started & ongoing   21 August 2024

Posted by: Leanne Drake


Thank you to every amazing soul who has donated towards my sons treatment..

Since leaving hospital we started on a number of treatments to help the healing process.. yesterday we finally got to meet an amazing team and do some amazing treatments to really kick start his healing and help towards his life long medical care giving him the best chance to be back in best form and lesson chances of further flair ups in the future .. so far treatments have cost over half of what's been raised with 2 medications costing $650 a month as well.. he needs further treatment in 2wks as well as ozone therapy starting..

We so appreciate every $ donated and share done to help towards these costs.. we would dearly love to reach our goal or beyond so these can cover the next few months treatments giving him the absolute best chance ❤️

Please continue to share 🙏

Thank you from us all x

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Guest Donor 4 days ago
Suzanne on 04 Sep 2024
Leanne Drake


Leanne Drake
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 02 Sep 2024
Leanne Drake


Leanne Drake
Lidia on 02 Sep 2024
Sending healing prayers your way 🌟God bless you ❤️
Leanne Drake

Thank you 😊

Leanne Drake
Christel on 23 Aug 2024
Leanne Drake

Thank you 😉

Leanne Drake

Who's involved?

Leanne Drake's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Leanne Drake on behalf of Jacob
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This campaign started on 7 Aug 2024 and ends on 7 Aug 2025.