Jaden Jumbo - Rest In Peace and Fly High, you'll always be loved xx

$11,312 donated
Given by 159 generous donors in one year

The Family need to be together & have their energy for each other. This is a way to help the family rest at ease while with our Jaden x


***27/2 Update***

Thank you everyone for ALL your beautiful Love, Support and kindness, it comes with a heavy heavy heart to advise you that our Boy, Jaden passed away peacefully with his loved ones by his side and is now at rest with the Angels. We are all totally shattered by our loss but Jaden is now at peace with his world. The thoughts, prayers, phone calls and messages just show us how much Jaden inspired us, taught us all and was loved by so many. Jaden was that young man who had the biggest heart that lit every room with his contagious smile and warmed their hearts, we all know that Jaden would have your back in any situation... We love you Jaden may you be at peace, we are all soo soo lost without you. The page will remain open for people to share their love and support during this hard time and the funds will be going towards the costs of Jadens journey home to his family where he can be laid at peace. We all are slowly taking it day by day to remember our loved friend, brother, son, soulmate.

All My Love to you all

Shelley xx

Jaden / Jumbo - 27 years young. Freak accident occurred over the weekend where Jaden was just wrong place wrong time. Heart Breaking accident at Queenstown Golf Club. He was playing a round of golf with some friends, they were on the 2nd tee & he Jaden was 50 meters away from his friends when a golf ball went the wrong way and struck Jaden in the temple. He is in ICU on life support in Dunedin in an induced Coma, and is under going surgeries to try help release the pressure on his brain and control the brain bleed. Jaden has his Mum, Dad, Sister Renee, and girlfriend Dominque and her family by his side. Please help this beautiful family be able to love and rest with Jaden during these trying days and weeks to bring our boy back to us. Every little love, cent, and prayer will help. No human, person, or family should have to go through this so please if you can, help us all heal and love and support this beautiful family as they have for others for years. We are believe in you Jaden, we love you so much and we are all here praying and waiting for you xoxo

Shelley Radford's involvement (page creator)

I have known Jaden, since I was 5 years old his beautiful sister Renee was my best friend growing up. We all spent a lot of our lives growing up together, sharing families, Motorsport & hobbies. They are, and have always been, amazing loving people, who share so much love & happiness, so now its our time to love share and give back when they need us most

Use of funds

The funds will help the family with Financials while being so far away from home, e.g accommodation, food, travel. The less stress on the family the better, all they need to focus on right now is the love and rest while they are by Jadens side.

Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 31 Mar 2018
Safe Journey x
Eva on 19 Mar 2018
Gre3nSuperfood & Juice Bar
Gre3nSuperfood & Juice Bar on 04 Mar 2018
Rebecca Keil
Rebecca Keil on 03 Mar 2018
Ali Goldby
Ali Goldby on 03 Mar 2018
My sincere and heartfelt condolences. Take care.

Who's involved?

Shelley Radford's avatar
Created by Shelley Radford
Vikki Goldfinch (Kim's sister)'s avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Vikki Goldfinch (Kim's sister) on behalf of Jaden Goldfinch and family
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This campaign started on 19 Feb 2018 and ended on 19 Feb 2019.