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Lets get Jake to Florida!!!!

$410 of $6,000 goal
Given by 4 generous donors in 8 weeks

Jake has earned a spot in the Impact New Zealand basketball team and they are heading to Florida early next year for a 2 week training camp.

Manawatu / Whanganui

Jakes dream is to play in the NBA. He has been blessed with the body and talent that can actually make this happen. He has been training regularly and intensely in the build up to this trip and deserves a shot to impress college scouts while over there. This is the chance he needs to get his name out there.

Jake comes from a solo parent home so the amount needed to get there is quit a stretch. He has been working during the school holidays to help pay for the trip also. Any help getting Jake over there would be greatly appreciated

Gaynor Mckinlay's involvement (page creator)

I am Jakes mother, and work hard every week in a full time job. I want my son to have this chance to fulfill his dream but i need help getting him there.

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Latest donations

Declan on 17 Oct 2016
Good luck ?? ???
Lana smith
Lana smith on 15 Oct 2016
Nikki Carroll
Nikki Carroll on 14 Oct 2016
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 13 Oct 2016

Who's involved?

Gayna Mckinlay's avatar
Created by Gaynor Mckinlay, paying to a verified bank account of Gayna Mckinlay on behalf of Jake Mckinlay
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This campaign started on 13 Oct 2016 and ended on 15 Dec 2016.