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Janet Lang, Teacher at Whangarei Girls' High School for 43 years, needs help with her cancer care costs.

  • Janet's progress...

      26 June 2024

    Janet has been doing really well on the unfunded drug Cetuximab.

    She has had more energy and been working full time and has been better than she has been since last year.

    Janet caught Covid which meant she had one of her treatments cancelled. She has then been in hospital with a blood infection. So a second treatment was cancelled, which has been disheartening.

    Janet got onto this infection quickly and is doing well. She is hoping to be released from hospital soon and to restart her treatment again on Wednesday 3rd July.

    Thank you all for the ongoing support.

    If you are able to share this page again, it would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you.

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  • An update

      23 May 2024

    This week Janet received her first payment from Give A Little. She was completely overwhelmed to see the money in her account and to know that her next treatment (next Wednesday) is paid for because of your kindness.

    Thank you everyone for donating, sharing this page, your words and caring. x

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  • The Northern Advocate

      15 May 2024
    Main image

    The article was printed in The Northern Advocate today. Thank you again to Brodie Stone do doing a lovely job.

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  • Update

      7 May 2024

    Janet started her treatment last Wednesday (Cetuximab) and all went well. She is feeling very blessed to be back on medication and is as positive as ever.

    Thank you all for your support. Please keep sharing this page. Thank you.

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  • A message from Janet...

      28 April 2024

    "I am extremely grateful and humbled by the support I have received and the beautiful comments and words of encouragement. The analysis that came back from the US has been very helpful to the oncology team. It has identified the unfunded drug Cetuximab as the best fit for me as it is not processed in the liver. I start treatment on Wednesday and am very hopeful for extra time. Thank you all again for your generosity."

    Funds raised on Givealittle will also be used to cover the costs of Cetuximab.

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