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Jase's Cancer Journey

$111,738 donated
Given by 814 generous donors in around 7 months

Jase's Journey with Terminal Cancer


Jase and Emma's Words: "After returning back from an awesome Japow holiday over the New Year, I didn't feel 100% as I was recovering from covid, and fatigue levels continued to increase.

On the 1st of Feb 2024 - we were made aware of a primary cancerous tumour in my bowel that had spread into my liver. After meeting with incredible specialists, this was diagnosed as a rare type of cancer & terminal.

It has been all action since then with chemotherapy starting on the 14th of Feb. My chemo consists of 5 cycles of 21 days. On the first 3 days I receive the chemo at a clinic, then give the chemo 18 days to work its magic.

Outlook - The million dollar question - we are hoping that the chemo can stabilise the cancer, but it is unknown how the cancer will react to chemo.

While the whole situation is unfortunate, we're so grateful for our whānau & friends, the people we've met, the places we've been and the things we've done 🙂 The support and love Emma and I have felt from those around us has meant so much!"

This Givealittle page provides an opportunity for people to donate and follow along with Jase and Emma's journey.

Thank you for the love, support and donations.

Sean Husband's involvement (page creator)

Jase's brother, acting on behalf of Jase, Emma and their respective whānau. The hope is that the money raised will allow Jase & Emma to focus on fighting cancer and enjoying life together.

Use of funds

Funds go straight to Jase and Emma with no strings attached - assist with any medical care (any alternative medical treatments i.e. immunotherapy) outside of the public health system, living costs, allowing life's bucket list, costs around loss of income, palliative care etc.

Latest update

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Ka aroha hoki  22 August 2024

To all friends & family of the Husbands and Gordons,

It is with heavy hearts that we are letting everyone know Jason passed away peacefully at Mercy Hospice on 20th August aged 33.

Over the last month Jase's cancer spread aggressively - he was omitted to ED at Auckland hospital and transferred to Mercy Hospice at College Hill where he spent two weeks. He was fortunate to be visited by many close family and friends and upheld his sense of humor and bravery to the end.

Much loved husband to Emma, son of Bill and Janice, brother of Sean and Anne, uncle to Maddy and Jonty. Emma's family, Susie and Edward Gordon, Henry, Simon, Ali and Wilfred, Zoe. Also loved by his extended whānau.

We thank you for all the love, support and kindness you have shown Jason and family.

A celebration of Jason’s life will be held at College Rifles rugby club at 1:00PM on Monday 26th August.

We invite you to visit and add memories to the Tribute Page. We will continue to update this page with further details.


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Latest donations

Mike on 09 Sep 2024
Eleanor on 04 Sep 2024
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 27 Aug 2024
Kaye on 26 Aug 2024
Jon Proffitt
Jon Proffitt on 25 Aug 2024
Jase was an absolutely amazing guy. Always remember him nipping at Sean and my heels trying to climb up the cousin rugby/cricket hierarchy! To be honest we were lucky we had a few years on him because even back then he was a weapon. Love you Jase, taken way too soon. Your celebration tomorrow is going to unreal. I can tell from all the outpouring of love that you have brightened up so many people’s lives as you made your way through your own amazing time on earth. I’m super proud to be your cousin. Lots of love from me, Mel, Harvey and Riley ❤️

Who's involved?

Sean Husband's avatar
Created by Sean Husband
The Ichi-Go Ichi-E Trust's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of The Ichi-Go Ichi-E Trust (Group) on behalf of Jason and Emma
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This campaign started on 18 Feb 2024 and ended on 18 Sep 2024.