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Jay's fight for his family

  • Love from our family to yours xx

      13 March 2024

    It is with a truly heavy heart that I tell you that our beautiful Jayren Dixon peacefully passed this morning. We are so grateful for all our beautiful friends and family and thier love and support over the past 2 1/2 years. Xxxxx

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    • 13/03/2024 by Tony

      My wife and I are so sorry for your loss. Love Tony and Raewyn Auckram

    • 13/03/2024 by Simone

      So very sorry to hear your really sad news. We are thinking of you a lot. Much love from Simone, Robin and Laura.

  • Jays Chemo update and the big move back

      7 October 2023
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    Jay absolutely blows us away! The most strongest and stoic human we know! Nailing this cancer shit! The oncologist said only one person in his time has ever been able to handle 10 rounds of this form of chemo…but Jay is about to have his 12th round! No new growth!!! You’ve hit this one out of the park Jayren Dixon! Way out of the park and out of town. We couldn’t be more proud of you and Suzie of course for her ongoing support and just being simply amazing!

    Jay and family have moved back down to Dunedin and are super happy especially the kids! They’re so lucky to have a great network of incredible friends and people in Dunedin too so a huge thanks to everyone!

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  • The last 3 month update

      26 March 2023
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    So it’s been 3 months since I last posted so we thought we’d give you a wee update on Jay and family.

    Since Xmas, Jay and the family came up to Auckland to visit but while on holiday he got an infection and was admitted to hospital here with a virus. He was getting continual headaches and finding it hard to focus. They cut their holiday short and flew back to Dunedin with a head scan next on the agenda. (Thanks to the advice of an incredible friend oncologist Naera!) That scan showed up a tumour in Jays brain. The cancer has now spread so that’s the end of Jays Immunotherapy and Chemotherapy.

    This was the catalyst to decide to move to Auckland and get more support from family.

    He then started a different more aggressive kind of chemo 3 weekly. With only one under his belt he then had a bleed now around this tumour and underwent surgery. They cut his skull and drilled a hole to release pressure. Jay was incredible throughout this whole process and never complained once! (Except for the hospital food!)

    We were all worried he couldn’t fly but he got here 12 days ago and suz, the kids and mocha arrived 5 days ago now living back in Devonport.

    Jay also had a mask made last week to receive 5 sessions of radiation on his brain mid April to attack that tumour!

    It’s been a roller coaster ride with horrendous side effects from chemo but he’s strong and with Jay leading the way we all are too!

    Jay met with his oncologist and it seems the lesions are all the same so chemo again next Wednesday.

    Thanks for everyone’s ongoing support.

    Anneke and family xxxx

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    • 27/03/2023 by LISA

      Sending prayers from out West xxx Kia Kaha mate, you're smashing it!

    • 27/03/2023 by Tony

      Thinking of you Jay and your beautiful family. Love Tony Auckram

    • 27/03/2023 by Rachel Barnes

      Sending lots of love and support to you all, so glad that you can now have the close support of family and friends nearby...Keep fighting the fight! Love Rach X

    • 28/03/2023 by Joan

      Pleased to hear you are all in Auckland with lots of support. I smiled at the thought of Jay complaining about the hospital food. The Ōtepoti crew are all thinking of you and the whānau and sending love and prayers your way x

  • The best Christmas present

      23 December 2022

    So it's been 6 months since Jay's diagnosis and this page is about to close. We just had his latest scan and we've had the best news for Xmas ever...Jay's scan results have stayed the same. No new growth!!!! Apparently this is rare for this 6 month stage so this is all thanks to you with your support here! This allowed Jay to receive his treatment earlier which has allowed this to happen! Have an amazing Christmas knowing you've given our family the greatest present of all...Jay!!!! Love from all our whanau to yours and Merry Christmas xx

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    • 23/12/2022 by Kristina Simons

      this is amazing news! much aroha to you all xxx tina

    • 23/12/2022 by valerie

      That is absolutely awesome news!! Merry Christmas Jay and your lovely family . Best wishes for 2023. Val and Brendan McKellar❤️

  • Jays update

      22 November 2022

    Thanks again to everyone who made Jays treatments possible! We couldn’t have received this so quickly without all of you as Jay needed this!

    He is currently taking a short break from chemo and only received immunotherapy for his last round as the chemo was very harsh, relentless and has been tough.

    He will be back on track with chemo in the next week again and also just before Xmas.

    Thanks again and we can’t express the gratitude to you all!

    We’re all positive and staying strong!

    Thanks to you all!!!

    Jay and family! Xx

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    • 22/11/2022 by Rachel Barnes

      All the very best, keep on keeping on, strong and positive - you've got this!

      Much love Rach and family x

    • 22/11/2022 by Joan

      Thanks for the update . Jay and whānau are often in our thoughts. Chemo sounds horrific so pleased you were able to take a short break . Kia kaha team xx

  • Round 4 of Chemo and Immunotherapy looking good thanks to you all!

      30 September 2022
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    Thanks again to everyone! We couldn’t have done this without you all! So far so good!

    Sasha and Anneke

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  • Jays Second Treatment

      14 August 2022
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    Thanks to everyone for your ongoing support and messages!

    Jay has nailed his second round of Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy! Together we’ve got this! Xx

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  • Update form Jay and Suz

      1 August 2022

    Thank you to all the beautiful people who have supported us over the last month. Jay has had his first treatment of chemo, immunotherapy and radiation and is out the otherside of feeling shit and now feels normal. He's busy roasting and packing coffee and keeping his customers happy aswell as dropping the kids off and picking them up from school.

    He will have treatment every 3 weeks for 3 months we are slowly working this all out to create our new normal. The new normal exists with positive attitudes, no sugar and lots of green juices! Thank you xxxxxxxxxx

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  • Thanks from Jay and Suz

      21 July 2022

    Wow, thanks so much to everyone with all the messages.

    This money from the page has now enabled Jay to have his first day of treatment of immunotherapy today and will cover it for the next 3 months as it’s not funded. A massive thank you! From Suzie and Jay! xx

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      17 July 2022

    Wow! Words cannot express how grateful we are for all of your incredible messages and support! Jay is blown away and we can’t thank you enough from all of the family.

    Jay is starting his treatment at the end of this week with Chemotherapy, Immunotherapy and Radiation therapy. It is the people and support of others around Jay that keep him strong and positive and as normal as possible, in such a new normal. 'Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    Anneke and Sasha xx

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